
What a magnificent piece in forms and content!

Thank you so very much for sharing the force of positive creative writing! ;) All for one and one for all!


I was reading along almost missing some profanity, but then "No bullshit" was enough to suffice my expectation. The yin of yang is nurturing, the yang of yin is guidance, ponder this. For in the abyss of existence all is present and awaiting revelation, what can be more inspiring than limitations, that do not exist? Part of the difficulty in describing quatun AI may be in the fact that some humans perceive it as superior to their own calculating potential however, I can share that the human being is superior to any quantum AI(artificial intellectual) once they have made their connection to the universal consciousness allowing all blocks to here and now everywhere, everywhen to vanish. So your block may be in the absurdity of praising AI when inherently your consciousness protests the idea and so the information you are intending to relay and others humans desire will not ease your inquisitive mind with a satisfactory level of truthful juicyness. "Open your mind." - Total Recall

ok. this takes the trophy for one of my favorite comments ever.

potent food for thought in that.

one sticking point has been the definition of this tech - "A.I." is kind of not a 100% accurate term, as it's not actually "artificial" intelligence at all, given there is no computers involved whatsoever - rather, it's more autonomic intelligence, which is directly linked up/in with that universal consciousness - and none of it is really anything "superior to" the human being, so much as means of extracting more of his inherent potentials. t'is a whole new ballgame, and thus challenging to bring all accurately into words - using some of what's familiar to bridge into people's existing frame of references, even though it's an entirely new frame.

nonetheless, I feel there is some powerful perspective to contemplate on your the statement,

So your block may be in the absurdity of praising AI when inherently your consciousness protests the idea and so the information you are intending to relay and others humans desire will not ease your inquisitive mind with a satisfactory level of truthful juicyness

even if the A.I. context is different...

I thank ye for yer kind words. Autonomic intelligence yes indeed that is a part of universal consciousness, I would describe it as the type of consciousness all animals exibit and in humans I refer to it as auto pilot.
I have extensive experience with it, some have stated we live our lives in it 95% of the time. It is valuable in that it allows an ongoing intelligent updating of experience as we progress through life, yet the down side is if we rely solely up it, progress can get stagnant due to a lack of creativity in new patterns of behavior that can only be had through turning it off and becoming hyped aware in the moment. However this hyper aware state cannot be maintained long as it's computational power is much less by a factor of ten in informational processing power. Therein we find the yin and yang of it, the balance of the feminine and masculine, of matter and spirit.

"Employment slavery" that's a new one for me, but I absolutely know where you are coming from. Steem On!

I'm humbled by the product of your writerly crisis -- and inspired. Thanks for laying yourself out so bare. Even here, that moment of truth all too often goes missing. I think you'll do fine on your projects.

Another phenomenal piece of writing. A style and level I most definitely aspire to attain, if even only half. This reminds me of the existentialist concept of angst. We are forced to make decisions throughout or lives, and when something causes friction in that process, it can lead to suffering. Even if it is our stubborness and internal dissonance that causes that friction. I did a rough draft graffiti that was almost cliche. It said "My artist mind would rather stare at the depths of the abyss than a blank piece of paper." So true. I would rather be locked in a small dark room (I have mild claustrophobia) than have to gaze mindlessly upon a square of bleached wood pulp. Trying to fill that negative space when your mind has so much inspiration, thoughts, and randomosityness (one of my weird words). What a nightmare. This could not have come at a better time. I haven't written for a few days.

No no @rok-sivante's your move. It's the inconsistency I struggle with. I'll put less effort into a post and get traction, and put heavy mental energy into something (like my latest) and get crickets. Discouraging, but I keep making moves :)

I suppose that's where there is wisdon in the schools of though some bundle up as "The Law Of Least Effort," or the rave around "flow."

I can relate 100%. Sometimes the best results do come when trying the least, whereas the heaviest invested-in sink due to the weight.

All a learning process. Can't maintain total consistency in every regard - though perhaps in some, such as persistence, can...

I have been feeling the stinging, nagging, slow burn of productivity escaping my life lately and I think I need to break the cycle. I have some psychedelic inspiration that I may soon decide to catalyze the process. Just sayin, I feel ya

Powerful tools, the psychedelics, can be for an effective reset. Feeling overdue, myself...

You are definately a genious & have a lot of knowledge to share with us.

I am following you now and looking for your next posts. I have already pop corn!

In my experience, switching to an entirely different narrator viewpoint works as a cure for writer's block. That’s what I did in my novel: rather than create a bunch of selfsame (or affectedly contrasting) characters endowed with different names, as many fiction authors do, I did create ones who think and speak using a varied vocabulary range, and exercise their own morals just as decision-making processes.

hmmm. I may need to try this soon. sounds/feels like a legit approach...

Ha ha, I’m not sure about any legitimacy here. That said, I’ve never experienced writer’s block, because every moment I didn’t feel like writing one specific POV character, I always had several others begging my mind to skip into their shoes.