Bad luck or good luck?

An old man farmer had an old horse to cultivate in his fields. One day the horse fled to the mountains. When the neighbors told him: What a bad luck!, he asked: Bad luck?, Good luck?, Who knows? ... Several days later the horse returned bringing a herd of wild horses. Then the neighbors congratulated him for his good luck and he repeated: Good luck?, Bad luck?, Who knows? ... When the son of the old farmer tried to tame one of these horses, he fell and broke his leg.
Everyone commented that it was a disgrace. The pastor just said: Good luck?, Bad luck?, Who knows? ... After several days, they recruited all the young people of the village, less the farmer's son who stayed at home with their mothers. cause of his ailment.
Several times what at first sight seems to be a setback, can generate a good!
There are many people who think that they carry bad luck simply because they do not get what they want or what they want when they want. They believe that there are others who are lucky and for that reason are happier and more prosperous than them.

Is this true? What do you think?
In my personal opinion, most of the events that happen to us depend on our mental attitude and our willingness to face life.
The truth is that the optimistic person will always look to the future with good humor and hope, unlike another person with a past in tow, he will believe that his life is destined to fail.
When all goes well for you, it is because you have combined a correct attitude, probability, a sense of opportunity, having prepared yourself and being in the right place at the exact moment.
So we can learn to manage everything in our power to be lucky!
How can you conduct your life?
- Think positively
Reprogram your mind with positive thoughts. If you think that everything will go wrong, so will.
- Learn from your mistakes
Committing any mistake is good as long as you can learn something from them.
Be objective, plan and work so as not to trip over the same stone once more.
- The past leave it behind
Stop thinking about the bad that happened to you. Do not keep thinking about what you could do at that moment and you did not do it. Live the present and think that it does not have to happen again. Turn the page and keep what you learned.
- Take advantage of good opportunities
It is really important that you decide to take the risk when it comes to taking the opportunities at the time. They usually happen very fast, so you have to be alert not to lose them.
- Visualize yourself very happy
You have to imagine the life you want to take as if you were already living it. Creative visualization helps you focus your energy to achieve your dreams.
People say they want to be happy and succeed, but they postpone their decisions; They talk, but they do not take action, they wait for the right moment that never comes, they excuse taking the opportunities maybe because they are afraid.
Stop waiting and start acting. Trust the process of life and the time it takes.
Well I hope you liked my post, and always remember to have the positive attitude to achieve what they want and do them very well, says his friend @rosquilla