Telegram fraud on behalf of @and (Daniel Larimer) CEO of EOS.IO # * # Penipuan di Telegram atas Nama @dan (Daniel Larimer) CEO EOS.IO (Bilingual)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-03 at 18.10.48 (2).jpeg

Steemian's best friend...

Yesterday I joined EOS Telegram group, an account called @daniellaminer started a private chat with me. First, there was nothing suspicious in the conversation with him, so I strongly believe that it is CEO of EOS.IO @dan (Daniel Larimer). Then he started talking more seriously with me as if he were @dan (Daniel Larimer) and invited me to invest in EOS.IO. From there I began to suspect his true identity (Daniel Larimer false). I do not know much about @dan (EOS.IO CEO) but it seems impossible for him to force others to invest because Daniel Larimer has many partners in building EOS.IO, which means that he is unlikely to intervene to find EOS.IO investors.

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To ensure that my doubts are true, this afternoon in Aceh Indonesia I contacted @beanz on the discord to make sure, as the picture I sent in Chat @beanz he immediately answered that it is a Scam and if you want to ask about EOS.IO, @beanz suggest me to contact @iang_fc (admin EOS). My goal is to make this post, so that other telegram user do not get stuck with the telegram account because the main target of him is the ETH of the telegram users, if there is no ETH then he received whatever we have.

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The scam account is very dangerous for telegram users, the real intention that no one knows for sure, whether he's just looking for ETH, or if he wants to damage the reputation of @dan as CEO of EOS.IO. I really hope @dan give an official statement to be careful of this scam, either through his post in steemit or other social media, so no one is fooled by an account that could damage his image. The main target, certainly people who do not have MEW (My Ethereum Wallet) account, he even offered to immediately create our MEW account, by sending the code to the victims.


The most interesting part of my conversation with him, he not only can help us get EOS coins with ETH but with Cryptocurrency he can help, but as far as I know can enter and EOS transactions must be with ETH, surely you Can directly ask @iang_fc also for those who want to get EOS coins can be through him. Personally, I really hope for all circles, do not immediately believe any news that happens through private chat about EOS, you can ask @beanz about the dispute can also go directly to @iang_fc, so no one is stuck with people who take advantage of anything. chance.


Kemarin saya bergabung dengan grup Telegram EOS, tidak lama berselang masuk sebuah akun dengan nama @daniellaminer, kemudian akun tersebut mulai chatting pribadi dengan saya. Pertama tidak ada hal yang mencurigakan dalam pembicaraan, sehingga saya sangat yakin bahwa itu @dan (Daniel Larimer) CEO EOS.IO, kemudian dia mulai membicarakan kearah yang lebih serius dengan saya, seolah-olah dia adalah @dan (Daniel Larimer) dan mengajak saya untuk berinvestasi di EOS.IO, disitulah saya mulai curiga dengan gerak-gerik dia (Daniel Larimer Palsu), karena saya sedikit mengetahui tentang @dan (CEO EOS.IO) meski hanya dari, bahwa tidak mungkin @dan memaksa sampai harus turun tangan terhadap hal yang begitu sepele, karena Daniel Larimer punya banyak mitra dalam membangun EOS.IO, artinya tidak mungkin dia sendiri yang turun tangan untuk mencari investor EOS.IO.

Untuk memastikan bahwa keraguan saya memang benar adanya, tadi sore waktu Aceh Indonesia saya menghubungi @beanz di discord untuk memastikannya, begitu gambar tersebut saya kirimkan di Chat @beanz dia lansung menjawab bahwa itu adalah Scam dan jika ingin menanyakan seputar EOS.IO, @beanz menyarankan saya untuk menghubungi @iang_fc (admin EOS). Tujuan saya membuat postingan ini, supaya pengguna telegram lain tidak sampai terjebak dengan akun telegram tersebut, karena incaran utama dari dia adalah ETH para pengguna telegram, jika tidak ada ETH maka dia menerima apa saja yang kita punya.

Akun scam tersebut sangat berbahaya terhadap pengguna telegram, tujuan dia yang sebenarnya tidak ada yang tahu pasti. Apakah dia mengincar wallet ETH atau ingin merusak citra @dan sebagai CEO EOS.IO, saya sangat mengharapkan @dan memberikan keterangan resmi baik melalui postingannya di steemit atau media sosial lainnya, supaya tidak ada orang yang terjebak dengan akun yang mencoreng citranya. Sasaran utama yang pasti adalah orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai akun MEW (My Ethereum Wallet), dia bahkan menawarkan untuk lansung membuat akun MEW kita dengan mengirim kodenya kepada orang-orang yang jadi sasarannya.

Yang paling menarik dari percakapan saya dengan akun tersebut, dia tidak hanya bisa membantu kita mendapatkan koin EOS dengan ETH, tapi dengan mata uang Crypto apa saja dia bisa menbantu, padahal sepengetahuan saya untuk bisa masuk dan transaksi EOS harus dengan ETH, namun untuk kepastiannya anda boleh lansung menyakan kepada @iang_fc juga bagi yang ingin mendapatkan koin EOS bisa melalui dia. Secara pribadi saya sangat mengharapkan kepada semua kalangan, jangan lansung mempercayai setiap berita yang masuk melalui Chatting pribadi tentang EOS, anda bisa menanyakan pada @beanz di discord juga bisa lansung kepada @iang_fc, supaya tidak ada yang terjebak dengan orang-orang yang memanfaatkan kesempatan d imedia sosial manapun.

Regards: @safwaninisam

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My Discord, Safwaninisam#4699

Give your vote to @vesteem as witness


Vitalik and I are both suffering from this type of scam and there is no clear way to help those who don’t pay attention.

Hi Dan, may I please request your upvote and resteem with my latest post on my injured knee in Mexico?
Thank you

Hello Dan, I noticed you are down voting Haejin, speaks volumes!
I remember I made an awesome comment back in 2016 and you hooked me up with a very healthy if someone with your voting power was to upvote all of my posts on a regular basis it would literally save my life

I understand what you feel @dan, but you need to clarify, so your name @dan not smudged, sorry if i'm wrong in behaving.

@dan in EOSIO can this sort of thing be prevented?

Wow, someone is scamming @dan???? Why on earth will he even think you'll fall for that cheap chat? @safwaninisam He even said he cannot only can help us get EOS coins with ETH but also with Cryptocurrency. Scam of the highest order. I was also thinking whether he's was only looking for ETH, or he wants to damage the reputation of our @dan, the CEO of EOS.IO himself. I hope he has been cautioned and corrected by now. This is even more than correction. His account should be banned. Many ither people must have also fallen into his trap. I hope Telegram members are now aware of this. So sorry about this @dan I hope there'll be a total STOP to all of these issues. Peace

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

Thanks @tts for the information, this is very useful for everyone

Scammer is everywhere and also it's so fun playing with them, just pretend you know nothing and they eager to get you hooked. I played with those scammer before and I enjoy it. Unfortunately, those fun time is a wasted time. xD;

Tired of us with so many scams, much time wasted for them @cloudspyder...

Yeah man, I do the same i figure that if they are spending time with me then they have less chance of getting someone thats going to fall for it

Mantap... Luar biasa ini pasti org aceh hebat, salam kenal akhi

Terima kasih pujiannya @baktiarsejahtera, saya hanya ingin memberi tahu kepada semua, bahwa sekarang banyak orang yang memanfaatkan kesempatan, semoga kita tidak tertipu dengan mereka.

sebuah informasi yang sangat berguna bagi kita semua.mudah mudahan kita tidak terjebak dengen akun yang mencurigakan

Benar sekali @danur, semoga kita bisa saling mengingatkan.

This post has received a 1.83 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @safwaninisam.

Thanks to the upvote and comment @booster,,,

Cuma pemberitahuan biasa keuh ngen-ngen, cuma ka jet keuh reseki Alhamdulillah @novalsyahputra.

Assalamualaikum,bereh that bg, trending atadroneuh,ilon hana so meukalon pih,

Wa'alaikum Salam @fatemah, neu peget post beu get yang penteng, Insya Allah na ureueng vote yang penteng yakin neuh...

We just have to be extra careful with online transaction. proper verification of identities is extremey important

yang gini bermanfaat