Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 7: Our Spiritual Life during Sleep.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers!

We can only try to get a full picture of the mysteries of the soul when we look at the experience of the human being as a whole. And this experience is the time a human being spends on earth, the life between waking up and falling asleep, the general waking state and the life the human being spends in a dark state of consciousness from which only the waves of dreamlife seem to be pounding. It’s a constantly changing state between sleep and wakefulness. And even the scientists among us can’t deny it.

Let's take a look at sleep today.

During our sleep the structure of our basic elements changes. We looked at the basic elements in the previous post which can be found here.

In our waking state, the physical body, the ethereal body and the astral body are closely linked. The current waking consciousness is founded essentially on the functions of the physical body, especially on the sensory organs and the physical brain. The activities of this waking consciousness harm the physical body. Consciousness is not based on vital construction processes, but rather on degradation processes. During sleep, the resulting damage must as far as possible be balanced again e.g. organs, tissues, brain. This is only possible when the ‚I’/‚Me‘ and the astral body at least partially lift out of the human being and only the enlivened physical body, the compound of the ethereal and the physical body, remains in bed.

You are a pure spiritual being during your sleep.

In general: Speaking about ‚dream content’  we can experience different things, different stories. But there’s also a certain drama and tension which takes place and which gets stronger or greater and that there’s some sort of solution in the end - or there’s no such solution but we wake up instead because of the tension. We have to make a distinction between the content and the actual (dramatic) process.

An example: Imagine you enter a cave. It gets darker and darker and you get more and more afraid the deeper you get into the cave. You experience a state of anxiety. The content can be different though. Imagine something is getting closer and closer. You fear increases the more this object comes closer until it’s right in front of you. Speaking about drama we have the same state, but the images, your dream, are completely different.

We just learned that the I and the astral body are not part of our physical and ethereal body during the time between falling asleep and waking up. The 'I' and the astral body stay in a world we can’t perceive like our consciousness can do during our existence on earth. The 'I' and the astral body just don’t have organs to be able to perceive anything like the physical body. But there’s still something going on in ‚what is out of the physical body‘. During the whole time between falling asleep and waking up there’s actually much more going on in the astral body and the 'I' than during the waking state. All the tensions, fear, hate, anger, love, happyness etc. can contribute to our dream with/through images, that’s what’s going on with us till we wake up.

Sometimes you can recognize and remember parts from your daily experiences and that your daily experiences created those dreams, at least occur in your dreams.

We live in this out-of-body state in a world in which we participate just like we do with our senses during the waking state in the physical world. When we return to our physical body (the 'I' and the astral body) we capture the organs of our physical body. We literally sink back into our organs and start to be able to perceive the environment again. We permeate the organs with our soul, therefore we stay in relation with the environment.

And if we don’t dive completely into our body immediately but if we just permeate the ethereal body for a moment, the ethereal body will build the power to form the images of the dream. These are memories of ‚life‘, reminiscenses, your dream.

If we start to dream right during we fall asleep, it means that we leave our physical body but don’t leave the ethereal body immediately (completely) and that we live in the images of the ethereal body – which is the dream.

The dreamless sleep in the opposite can be described as a state, where you, actually your consiousness is not able to capture what’s going on. 

We’re part of another world during our sleep. And as a soul we move around among other beings.

Every time we have a dreamless sleep we live in the ‚world‘ we have been before we decided to descend into a physical body. This is what we experience and where we dwell during death and our next incarnation. The same worlds where the higher / greater spiritual beings dwell.

During the waking state we have 3 different states of the soul:
Thinking, feeling and desire.

We do have similar states when we sleep.

The light sleep where we are able to dream can be compared to ‚thinking‘ and the dreamless sleep can be compared to ‚feeling‘.

But there’s also the deep sleep which can be compared to ‚desire’. I’m very sure, I’m completely convinced that all of us – all of you – have experienced all 3 different states. 100%. It can happen that you only experience 2 diffferent types of sleep from time to time during a night, dreaming and dreamless but not the deep sleep. And there’s a huge difference between the dreamless and the deep sleep.

The deep sleep is the world where your karma would become reality. If you would be suddenly aware and conscious in this state, you could and you would perceive your karma. The human being is experiencing the karma during the deep sleep and carries all of the experiences into the physical body. The physical body is just not able to perceive it. We don’t have suitable organs for that, we would need organs for an inner perception, we just have organs for the outer perception like our eyes and our ears.

So we have

  • the physical body which belongs to the earth
  • the ethereal body which belongs to the liquid element, the water
  • the astral body which belongs to the air (sleeping, air space)
  • and the ‚I’ which belongs to the warm element, the fire (indefinite, warm ether, thermal state of the outer world)

It’s an interplay of forces which unfolds before the inner soul when a human being descends from the spiritual world for an existence on earth.

Spiritual truth does not gain value for life by researching it.
You have to understand and assimilate it.

Thank you for your attention.


I dont know why, but in my night dreams a can fly. Always. And its very wonderfull. Especially when I know that I sleep inside a dream.


There is no evidence for a soul or etherial body or really anything that you mention. What you write goes against every bit in of knowledge we have about the human brain. You just reinforce public belief and as we all know, truth is not democratic.

Dreams are simply random images one has. They accumulate from daily experiences. They might be played out in the order of emotional magnitude but this is not always the case. They are meaningless most of the time, except if an issue bothers us for some time.

Astral projection, or walking state of sleep occurs when the brain is unease or anxious and the individual keeps phantasizing about out of brain experience. The person merely watches themselves dream as if they recorded at will what they want to see in their dream. This can be trained to be done by everybody but it doesn't mean that you are actually travelling in the stars or sleep walking.

One of the most important scientific principles, Occam's Razor, is that if you have a phenomenon to be explained and several different theories are proposed as solutions, the simplest one (or the one with the fewest assumptions) is likely to be the correct answer. (One common illustration of this is the statement, "When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not unicorns" — or, in this case, "When you have a dreamlike experience while sleeping or resting, think dreaming, not astral projection.")

more here


What do you know about dreams @kyriacos ?

And why do you think the brain is the seat of the soul?

The brain is nothing but a receptor, a projector.

The brain is not where the soul dwells.

Even the heart is more powerful

Read this article to find out how https://steemit.com/science/@coloured-content/mindful-mondays-episode-4-the-7-layer-magnetic-oscillator-energetic-principles-of-the-human-heart-and-its-power-as-a

It's amazing the capacity our experience as humans can reach - I know that monks train in their dreams and continue to meditate within these realms you speak of. I've meditated several times in my dreams but I have yet to successfully astral travel or completely lucid dream consistently. Possibly with more practice :)

All the best @dakini-dion and thank you for your reply! Astral travels, yeah, I need to move on myself and learn more.

Only Enlightened soul could write such wise articles.

I'm far away from being elinghtened @shivayoga :) I simply have great interest and I really like to talk about these things with others.

The "other world" is your inner-world, the inner "reality" and "existence" that you can create and imagine into, to project in the phantasmal inner light of consciousness. It's not a real place in out existence. It's imaginary. They aren't actually other worlds out-there.

Please stop and think people. Stop just believing whatever you want to believe because it makes you "feel-good".

The whales just jump on the curation rewards bandwagon... lol.


What about shared dreams? What about astral travelers from around the world meeting together at designated astral places? What about astral travelers seeing physical situations happen and then re-counting them when they are awake again?

I highly recommend looking into the subject a bit more, it's fascinating. There is definitely an astral world out there and many different worlds as well. It would be kind of silly if our reality was the only one in the universe. Our lives on Earth are unique, but finite. There is much more out there and lots of first hand accounts about it.

Plus... nothing wrong with feeling good as long as it doesn't hurt others :)

oooh, this is really compelling, the ideas you have is the reality of life.

Hi @uziriel. Thank you. If you go to school you can talk to a stranger about what you learned. That's what I did :)

I am highly interested in this topic because of out-of-body experiences i had as a child. I've also been saved from impending danger by a dream!!!

That sounds very interesting @richardcrill! Looking forward to your post about it !:)

human soul travels in the night.

I agree @drac59, travel is a very elastic term and leaves much room for interpretation, I like that. Thank you!

Always been kinda afraid to dive into the "astral body" stuff...