[Perspective] - Your Life Path Is Predetermined, So Live It.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

When my mother died in 2000, I made a promise to myself.

A promise to not let her down and to ensure I followed through with everything she taught me and everything she wanted me to be.

She gave me the best life possible so I could reach my ultimate purpose as a person and I am doing my best to make sure that happens and I know I am getting closer everyday.

It took me a long time to realise it and this is normal for someone with a life path of 4 and 22 which I will explain later.

Something I always knew, something I was always told, I just did not get it 100% fully understand it until I was 36.

The date was - 19th December 2010 at 5.59am - this is the moment I woke up and after a significant moment occurred in my life.

A moment I won't forget and in hindsight I am grateful for.

I am lucky to have had that education, the life lessons and the experiences that make me who I am.

We all have them.

Just a matter of how react and use it to our advantage.

There were no religion just spirituality.

There were no bad vibrations just the great "REAL" music.

There were no plastic toys and commercialised distractions like we see today, just great books, a sports box, my push bike, my feet, my imagination and a Meccano set.


There is so much more information available to us today in regard to astrology, the deeper meaning of spirituality and our connection to the universe however it has always poorly practiced and never taught to us in school.

I feel this was all by design to ensure those in the west never learn the secrets to the east....our true origins.

My personal belief is that we are all connected, that we are all psychic and we are all part of something a lot bigger.

One bubble of consciousness and we are bombarded with daily distractions and division everyday to ensure we never reconnect or learn the truth.

Most of us have this basic understanding of the occult knowledge however what are we all doing about understanding this connection better as individuals and as a society?

Why don't we teach our youth about electrical universe science, holistic medicines, Fibonacci, Rodin mathematics, Pythagorean sacred scales, mediation, sacred geometry, DMT, and the power of frequencies and vibrations?

Why is it neglected?

Westernised power control mechanisms rely on an ignorant population and more importantly a disconnected one.

Think about that for a minute.....

That is why all the indigenous teachings from around the world over the last 2000 years have been destabilised, hidden, destroyed and diluted with a push to a very well financed, globalised corporate westernised agenda.

It is a real shame and hopefully we can turn this around.

In the end it is a choice how you life your life and nothing actually binds you to these powers or government (no contract = no jurisdiction = the basics of corporate law).

So what is this so called reality and why is an alternative reality being pushed upon us via those who seek continuous division and confusion?

Is it all about money and power?

Do the sheep always assimilate and regurgitate what they are told?

We are programmable matter and when you do not think for yourself you will act teh way you were programmed.

Just remember this....

We live in an electrical, energy driven, universe and everything is determined, sculpted and manifested by frequencies and energy.


Colours, light, cells, geometrical shapes, solids, liquids, air, fire, water, our biology and everything on the periodical table.

All created by the result of frequencies or series of frequencies based on a source of energy.

"The Force".

We are part of one big musical score and that is the universe itself and I am studying and accepting this reality as part of my true existence and making sure I stay connected and learn more everyday.

Everyone is note within the music of life and until you push away all the distractions, low vibrations and mind pollution, you will never hear, see or feel your true self whisper your true destiny.

It is about "knowing".

Why do we have so much depression, sickness and confusion.

Because we are not learning the old ways and becoming a true part of nature itself with necessary knowledge and sense of mindfulness from an early age.

We are blooming too late due to the system and the corrupted power mechanisms holding us back.

We all have a destiny however that will not be understood until you understand the science of your existence and seek to learn that this is your life path.

This existence is not about capitalism, nor money, nor goverment, nor the 9 to 5.

It is not about power or control as that is for those who can't see and are scared of their own truth.

This life is not about the TV, easy food, alcohol and quick fixes to close out your day and hide you from yourself.

It is about spirituality and connecting as one with nature, sacred geometry, exploring your self internally via mediation, experiences, knowledge, DMT and other gateways to higher states of consciousness.

Life is a journey and it should be lived like one.

We are all warriors of different degrees and it is time to take our lives back.

I made a promise to fulfil my destiny and a major part of this is to understand that the moment of your birth, the day, the month and the year tune your DNA to be a specific character which you need to unlock and embrace as you learn who you are through life.

All a measurement of frequencies...not time.

Do you see it yet?

The star signs, the Yin Yang and The Lunar Cycles are all driven by a sequences and a code.

Frequencies and electrical responses within our reality that sculpt who we become.

Now what birthright frequencies determined my life path, my DNA and what type of person am I meant to be?

I am a master builder.....

My life path is 4 and 22 and I am here to create, teach and manifest changes to humanity.

That is just how it is and I am embracing it and will do my best.

My mother taught me about life paths and the importance of numerology when I was young and I never found a site that supported her calculations until I came across this genuine website which confirmed her calculations.

Discover Your Life Path - HERE

The 3 cycles that make up my life path number are 11, 8, and 3, giving me a Life Path Number of 22.

Life Path number 22 is one of a Master Builder.

My Life Path - Master Builder 22

I have plans, grand plans and I will do my best to stay focused and I do tend to get too creative at times and move away from the ultimate goal.

Is their really an ultimate goal apart from progression?

For me it is about making the world a better place.

I am drawn to that mission.

I can't see myself doing anything else.

What is your mission?

~ Sebastian


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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I feel so good to see the love you have for your mother. It is that love and respect that is taking you to higher level of success.

I am life path 11, recently I know about it and after that I get out from confusion. Now I know my purpose to accomplish in this life time. By the way 11 and 22 together can do anything. It's like nothing impossible to do until we are focused on our spiritual purpose. good luck and experience your potential

Well I hope you accomplish everything you ever wish for. As an 11, I am sure you will :)

followed upvoted

Good, Post is too long but not boing to read!

Great Post as aways :)

Congratulations! Upvote and resteem

Appreciate it and thank you.