Stem Cell Transplant Cures Sickle Cell Anemia @senseicat
The first adult in Canada has been cured from a 7 year battle with sickle cell anemia. Revee Agyepong, 26 years old, received donor stem cells from her sister.
Sickle cell anemia is " hereditary disease that affects the red blood cells that change them into a sickle shape and block blood vessels, which causes severe pain, a risk of stroke and organ failure. The main symptoms of sickle cell disease include pain, fatigue, arthritis, high susceptibility to bacterial infections and anemia. A faulty gene that hampers the development red blood cells usually causes the disease."
People who survive this disease will often live to their 40's or 50's normally.
In the past, stem cell transplant were successfully used to treat children, but doctors were concerned about complications arising in treating adults.
Source: the good news network
There is only one person who I have ever been friends with who I know that has passed away. It was a Jamaican friend who died of sickle cell while on a plane.
So sad, was a good guy and only person around my age who passed away, its a weird and scary feeling knowing he is gone from this physical world.
There are no words to describe the immeasurable pain of losing a loved one. I hope that you can feel solace knowing that his soul lives on eternally.
Nice post
good informative post about health , thanks for that
@resteem done dear
I become smarter everyday.

Thanks for sharing
Science is something incredible.
Thank you for share some important info
Las células madres han sido para mi hijo una bendición, el sufre de Esferocitosis que es una enfermedad hematológica y como consecuencia de ello su bazo crecía y crecía y se disminuyeron sus plaquetas , hace una año fue implantado con Células Madres autógenas su bazo ha reducido varios centímetros su tamaño y sus plaquetas por primera vez en 5 años se han normalizado. Gracias por escribir tu reporte.
Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫ resteemid
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A very useful post ,, thanks for sharing ,, please in apvode post my friends