
I am glad to hear it, hehe!!!

Yeah, I had his number almost right away!!

He should have not started asking for an interview!! That was his first mistake! #DamnitFannybadger

Hehe, I have had a few that don't and then at some point I ask and they go. Eh yes, is that a problem? I am like, aye, ya cheeky basturt!

Those are the ones that you have to watch out for!

Interrupting your peaceful glass of wine 🍷! That was the worst part!

I know, I love a red wine. How dare they!

I knew they were doomed from that moment on! I learned early on, never interrupt a man drinking a glass of wine relaxing at his home. My dad Aka @sevinwilsonsdad

Hehe, that's cool your dad having an account!

Heck yes! Dad and mom each have one! They are still learning the ropes! Well aren't we all!