LESSONS LEARNED #19 - Jesus Birthday

in #life7 years ago


Wow - it's been so long since I posted - I almost forgot how!! BUT this Lesson is so important I couldn't neglect sharing it with my fellow Steemers.

Now you may wonder why I'm writing about Jesus' Birthday in March when EVERYBODY knows his birthday is December 25th (or is it) That's where this story begins - how I've learned why that date is the wrong date. Perhaps this isn't news to many of you - but here is some interesting information you may not have considered.

Now to venture into the true date this year MARCH 17TH - today. Stick with me folks.

We'll begin by looking at other very significant days in JESUS' life - days that coincided with Hebrew Holy Days:

A. The day he rode into Jerusalem on a colt - often referred to as Palm Sunday. This day is actually known as the "DAY OF THE LAMB" - the 10th day of the month of Nisan originating in Exodus chapter 12. It was the day when each family would choose their perfect, unblemished Lamb for Passover. That is why I always refer to PALM SUNDAY as "LAMB SELECTION DAY". Interesting isn't it that Jesus is often referred to as the Lamb of God - a perfect, unblemished Lamb.

B. The next Holy Day is "PASSOVER". The day when Jesus is crucified - the same day at the same hour the Priests are offering up the Lambs in the Temple.

C. The next Holy Day is "THE FEAST OF FIRST FRUITS" - when the first fruits of the harvest are lifted up to God - the day when Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD - becoming the First Fruit.

D. The next Holy Day is "SHAVVOT" - the Feast of Weeks. - 50 days from the Feast of First Fruits - the day the Church was born - known to us as PENTECOST.

Some think that His birth must have taken place on one of the Fall Holy Days but if you were to study Prophecy - you would see how the events around JESUS'SECOND COMING fit into those - the Fall Holy Days.

NOW If we were to go the Gospel accounts of Jesus' birth, a familiar part of that story revolves around the visit of the Shepherds. Rabbis in the Talmud say that Shepherds will only be out in the fields between March and the next rainy season. We also see that they were in the field at night. It's important to note that there is only 1 time of the year Shepherds would be out with their flocks at night - ONLY ONE - SPRINGTIME - and only at night during the birthing time of lambs to ensure they're o.k. - which only happens at one time - SPRINGTIME - usually March/April (the HEBREW MONTH OF NISAN).

We also see that Jesus is born in Bethlehem - the actual place where Lambs that are born were LAMBS for the temple Sacrifice - the perfect place and time for the Messiah (the Lamb of God) to be born

Let's take a moment and look at the Hebrew Calendar. First of all it is based on the moon. Every Hebrew month begins with a NEW MOON and reaches its peak at the full Moon (not surprising that Jesus died at the full moon).

The Jewish month of NISAN is the first month of the Sacred Calendar and the 1st day of Nisan actually signifies the BEGINNING. Jesus being born on NISAN 1 would certainly fit his role - GOD'S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON - bringing in the time of the NEW COVENANT.

SO - what is today - March 17th - on the Jewish Calendar - NISAN 1.

Keep in mind that we never celebrate GOOD FRIDAY or EASTER or PENTECOST on a specific date - it always coincides with the Holy Days of - PASSOVER, THE FEAST OF FIRST FRUITS & SHAVOT (sometimes in March - sometimes in April).

Therefore it would seem reasonable that we should celebrate JESUS BIRTH on NISAN 1 each year - MARCH 17TH, 2018.

Hope you have found this Lesson Learned inlightning and from now on you'll set aside NISAN 1 on your calendar in remembrance of the birth of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.