Life Preserver

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Crisis is sometimes a quiet prayer
the breath riding a wish, the breath,
me under a log in the woods, buried
by my own fertility
If I capsize, bail me out with sponges
absorb me in slow bursts and wring
me out with enough force to stop
sadness from flowing
over nickels in a well. I'm drowning
in life and the luxury of children;
halfway to the bottom I cannot see
the sunlight
and it may be stars are out. Fatigue
fogs my compass so I do not know
up from down or day from night
and this is fine,
but I could use a vest or rope,
some muscle to haul me out
of the depths of this . . . this
wearied water.
Oh my, so much emotion. I remember this feeling (these feelings) so well. I guess I still can relate, it's just different things that are weighing me down now. At least you're gathering strength throughout these... challenges in life.
I hope you have enough life vests for all of your needs. Hang on and know that you are continually inspiring and lifting others up. You are a life vest for some and that is hard. Try to be sure to make time for you to recharge and take care of you.
@byn, this is such a compassionate and understanding response. Thank you. I feel very much buoyed, to keep the theme going. I am taking time for me right now (even though it's been days when it should have been that day). I am grateful.
I really enjoyed this poem. I felt like it was very stream of consciousness where each image bled fast and subtle into the next one all pointing to the end image of the life jacket.
I absolutely loved the sponge image, the luxury of children and the fatigue fogging compass. Wow. Those were incredible.
Is this an edited revised poem or did you casually bust it out in a daily writing process. It is incredible.
I feel like overall it is recognition of a good life but still feeling overwhelmed and struggling like drowning. Thank you for sharing.
I suppose I "casually busted it out in a daily writing process." This piece is the result of building emotional turmoil I'd been forming and reforming as words in my head. Thank you for this gorgeous and hope-inducing response. I deeply appreciate your eye and words.
This piece is stunning. @shawnamawna.
Thank you so much. <3