An open letter about self-love and acceptance

in #life6 years ago

“I hate myself for being me. I want to be pretty like her.”

Never wish yourself to be somebody else.
The most comfortable feeling in this world is just being who you are. No masquerades and no pretentious little games in your life just to impress people.
Once you accept yourself, it’s when people will start accepting you.

“My friends said I’m too fat to wear my bikini”, “My parents said I should’ve taken medical course”, “They said white is a beautiful skin color”

Whatever people say about you is none of your business.

Let it go, don’t carry it all. The heaviness will only pull you down more until you realize that their words are already drowning you. Accept yourself, don’t listen to them. You own the wheel of your life, don’t let them stir it for you.

Instead, make those negative comments your armour and no one can ever hurt you.

Self realization

If there’s anything important that I’ve realized in my life, it’s self love and acceptance. Being FREE to do what I want and not what society demands. Being the person I always am and not who they want me to be.
If you learn to accept yourself, NO ONE CAN EVER HURT YOU.
So put away the mask.
Enough charades.
Self love and acceptance is the key to happiness.