Homo Floresiensis. The smallest species of human that ever existed, do they still exist?
The Lost Tribe Of Little People
In 2004 in and around Liang Bua cave on the Indonesian island of Flores there was a discovery of ancient human bones, human bones that were unusually small. The bones belonged to a lost tribe of primitive humans who stood at only around 1 meter tall, a species of human now known as Homo Floresiensis.

Flores Mythology
Folklore on the island of Flores long since spoke of a small human-like creatures that would raid crops and even steal human babies to eat. Legend has it that the creatures, refered to as the Ebu Gogo, were driven deep into the jungle.
It's possible that the myth of the Ebu Gogo was actually a real creature, the Homo Floresiensis.

Do They Still Exist?
In March 2017 a video was uploaded to fredography's youtube channel that went viral, the footage, filmed while trial biking in Aceh, Indonesia appeared to capture the sighting of a very small, very fast human creature carrying a spear.

The Footage
Take a look at the footage and let me know what you think, is it a hoax or is it genuine?
The only way to determine if it was a homo floresiensis or just a small homo sapien would be a DNA test.
Or a CGI test... :)
I had a midget neighbor once but I never knew until one day he was out mowing the lawn with a full size push mower, it took me a while to believe my eyes.
Are you certain he wasn't actually a really big guy pushing a combine harvester?
now that would be something