Words to Live By

in #life7 years ago

I grew up with this poem on the wall of our family home. I read it repeatedly growing up, as I knew that my mother admired it. I wanted to understand it all and why she liked it so much. It took years passing as life's stages performed imprints on my psyche for me to really appreciate the wording.


Beautiful poem. Isn't it interesting how staple things in your life like a poem on your wall sticks with you and can take on different meanings throughout your life.

Exactly.... I have read this throughout my life and meanings become more clear over time. Thanks for your comment.

That last line is a quote in and of itself, fit to be put alongside Mother Theresa's "loneliness is the greatest poverty".

You are most assuredly living a diverse life, judging from the great variety of your posts, and I can see how Ehrmann's poem must have inspired you, since it covers pretty much every aspect of life.

You are very observant thank you.