
Regarding your continued heinous bullshit accusations, I mirror my postings here on Medium under my real name, not this udbarflower handle. You can see for yourselves, if your ego will allow the possibility you made a big mistake, by going here and here just as anyone else who reads this will be able to. Allowing discussion about this on a limited-access venue like Discord is also dishonorable, and I note you never did bother to respond to my original comments to you after you initially so accused me. I think Steemit needs grownups handling these matters, because you are killing Steemit.

Look, you idiots. My wife is NONE of what you're claiming. She has always given proper citation to anything she's ever posted. She mostly posts original content, as well.
You'd best retract this & damned quick-like. This is slander & libel. You are NOT immune from the law.
And no, I will not chat with you on your discord link. I don't talk with idiots. Now, retract your lies about my wife!!!

You are off and wrong. This woman is my friend, a gifted writer with accounts on various platforms. She has never joined discord and I do not go there any more either. This is the kind of nonsense that RUNS OFF CONTENT CREATORS. We cannot appeal unless we chase you around the internet? That is BULLSHIT.

Thank you, my friend, for your loyalty and your truth, as always.

Now, they're hiding your comment for 'low rating'... Censorship in any form is disgusting & these people are taking it to new lows...

I had a feeling they were, having revealed themselves to be cowards of the lowest grade, who typically cannot handle the truth.