Sexual Sadism Disorder And Its Symptoms

in #life6 years ago

If you have watched any part of the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series than you’re probably familiar with sexual sadism. However, most people don’t know that in some cases, it could be characterized as a mental disorder.

To some extent, this phenomenon could be present in some of us, and that’s partly a reason why spanking became so popular with the concept of sex. It is also not a hidden fact now, that most people find pleasure in performing or watching others perform the acts of sadism sex, in which one partner is harming or instilling pain onto the other one. That has brought forth an entire section of sadist sex, forced sex and even rape in the pornography and live services. Some mentally ill people get pleased, excited, and sexually aroused by such activities.

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The entire concept is extremely gross, unethical and inhumane. It’s important to understand that it’s a serious mental disease that is becoming more prevalent in our society day by day. This growing problem is left unnoticed, and now resulting in illegal human trafficking associated with this business. It’s becoming an industry of instilling pain in people. While sometimes these activities are scripted and recorded, other times it’s happening in real time on abducted females upon the expensive demands of these people. It may also lead to kidnapping, abduction, rape, physical exploitation and ultimately murder.

Knowing this, you can imagine how big a problem this is and how we all need to stay away from it at all costs. To some extent, sadism is present in all of us. Some people may enjoy if something bad happens to a person or animal. Some people would even harm a person for no reason in the form of bullying or physical attack, just because they enjoy it. Normal human beings have low levels of sadistic characters, for instance, when we see a road accident, we will also see a crowd gathering around them to see what has happened just because they’re curious, or stepping on an ant on purpose that’s just walking its way home. While such lower levels could be harmless, but it starts becoming a serious issue when this character grows.

Here are some symptoms and signs that indicate the presence of sexual sadism disorder in a person :

  • Sadistic fantasies
    There can be a variety of Sexual fantasies and fetishes among different people. Sadistic fantasies usually involve the sexual actions through which pain can be instilled on the partner. It could be whipping, spanking, humiliating, beating, burning, biting and even cutting through the skin.
  • Arousal by strangling
    Some people suffering from this condition may find it arousing to hold or strangle the neck of the partner during the act of sex. If not strangling by hand, a person may want to use something else to restrict the breathing and choking the partner to some extent. A reference of this has been made in an intimate scene in the movie “Killing me Softly”.
  • Pleasure by beating or humiliating
    As an act of humiliation, the patient could want to urinate or discharge their feces on their partner for the mere sake of arousal. The sadistic needs of the patient can grow even more after an event where they are able to satisfy their previous needs and start craving for more than that.
  • Need for domination
    The need for domination can lead the patient to instill pain on the weaker and possibly younger partner. They will inevitably need their partners to follow their commands and punish them upon non-compliance. The patients will not allow their partner to be dominant and will need their partner to feel pleasure only in the way they want, and not with their free will.
  • Behavioral changes
    Certain behavioral attributes are associated with people suffering from this condition. These symptoms include depression, social isolation, abnormal professional life and impaired personal relationships. While it’s not necessary that people with such symptoms will indefinitely be suffering from sexual sadism disorder if it’s observed in combination with other symptoms it is something serious to be worried about.

If by any chance you are dating such a person who’s suffering from these symptoms, it’s highly recommended to immediately seek help from the psychiatrist or possibly stay away from them in worst case scenario for your safety.

Please note that individual results will vary from person to person. All and any information and statements contained in this article are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or treatment. We do not provide medical advice, prescription, or diagnose illness. Therefore, our views and nutritional statements are not intended to replace your doctor’s medical advice. If you have a health concern or condition, see your doctor before starting anything on your own.


The Marquis de Sade was the progenitor of the term "sadism," and if people want, they can read up on how sick and twisted that dude was.

Great article. Hollywood needs to stop normalizing these illnesses, for sure.

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well, in some cases it's true... it's a mental disorder... but in some cases it's not... Just like in BDSM.... I'm an alternative lifestyle consultant who is also work as Professional Dominatrix... In our community there is a masochist who enjoys receiving pain and have pleasures in it... A masochist needs a sadist who also enjoys giving pain...

There is a limitation on sadist power thru written contract/agreement were both individuals agreed to it...