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RE: Glamorizing Workaholism Needs To End

in #life5 years ago

Definitely hiding a documentary crew;) funny as I’ve been told this for the 2nd time this week:P what can I say, I’m the new psychic of the world 😂

Thanks for sharing your story❤️ It touched my heart to read it. It is interesting that you went through the stages of grief. I can understand that. When your sense of self worth relies on one thing and you lose that thing, you feel as if your whole world crashes.
I believe that this may have been life’s way of teaching you something powerful.
You are not your job/your looks/your wealth/your status. And to find the real you requires a lot of soul searching that most people won’t necessarily take the time to do in their lifetime.

I’m very happy you made it to the other side with a different and wiser perspective ❣️


This is going to sound narcissistic or maybe anti-narcissistic, but I came to the realization a couple weeks ago that was probably not special. That doesn't mean that I am not valuable or important to people, but that maybe I am not meant for some higher purpose. It kind of released some of the stress of trying to define my purpose and who know I might find it when I am not looking for it. I understood that it maybe my purpose it just to live and be happy, not something be something I am not.

Wow! I love this commentary. (Opposite of narcissistic btw;) ) Most humans run around trying to find meaning and purpose and while these things are worth being sought after - it is important to remember that we are already complete as we are. There’s no rush. It is very true that purpose and meaning can come to us when we expect it the least.