Bees_How Bees work Like a Team

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear friends I am again here on steemit platform with a new post my this post will be about Bees yeah friends in this post I will show you some interesting things about Bees so let's see.
Some insects live in groups or colonies. Ants live like this and so do some wasps. Insects that live and work together are called social insects and one of the best known social insects is the honey bee. There are many different kinds of bees. Honey bees have been kept by the man for hundreds of years to get honey.
These insects are also kept in a specially made wooden box called a hive In a hive of bees, there are a queen, some drones and thousands of workers.The queen is there only to lay eggs and do nothing else. At certain times, she may lay
up to fifteen hundred eggs everyday! The drones are male bees and they do not work All the tasks of the hive are done by the worker bees. They look after the queen and each new larva that hatches out from the eggs. They make layers of six sided compartments called cells. The eggs are laid and food is stored in these cells. They
keep the hive cool in summer by fanning with their wings. They guard the hive so that
no robber bees can get in.
They also gather food. In summer there is so much work fo the bees to do that they only live for four to five weeks. The bees that start their lives in the autumn do not have to work so hard, and usually live right through the winter.
Have you ever watched bees gathering food? They fly from lower to flower collecting nectar, which is a sweet and sugary fluid. They also collect pollen. Both nectar and pollen are used for food, but it is the nectar that the bees turn into honey Some bees collect nectar from sunflowers, others go to buttercups. The bee sucks the nectar into a special honey stomach. The pollen is picked up on the hair of the body
it scrambles into the flower. It is then scraped off into a pollen basket on the outside of each back leg On reaching back in the hive, they store food in the cells. Some food is consumed at once. The rest is stored for the winter when there are no more flowers To collect all the food that is needed, the bees fly around looking for new bunches flowers. If they find some, they return to the hive and tell the other worker bees when the new supply of food can be found. They 'dance' to tell the others if food is found
The dances are special movements that the bees make. From these movements, the
other bees are able to learn how long it takes to fly from the hive to those When the eggs that the queen has laid in the cells hatch, each larva is fed on special brood-food, sometimes called royal jelly made by the worker bees. If a new
queen is wanted, a larva is fed all the time on this brood-food.
After three days, theothers stop having brood-food and are given pollen and honey instead. They grow intoworker bees. When a new queen comes out of the cell she flies off one day and then returns to the hive to start egg-laying. At the end of the summer, the drones that are still in the hive are turned out to die in the cold.

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Regards: @steemkraze