Friendship between a man and a woman. Myth or reality ?!

in #life7 years ago

"A friend loves at all times and as a brother appears in moments of misfortune." Jesus Christ. Hello. Today I want to find the answer to the question: is the friendship between a man and a woman a myth or a reality ?!

How long will this friendship last ?! What will it lead to ?! What to expect from it ?! And is she really in fact ?! Let's start with the definition of friendship.

Interestingly, I go to the Internet for a definition, and the search engine gives me the "Friendship" - this is one of the largest oil pipelines in the world, with a length of 5 thousand km. Hmm, I wonder if even the search engine does not know what friendship is, so much to me. But I'll still try.

In my opinion, friendship is a complex of deep and sincere relations, which are accompanied by a whole set of positive emotions. Friendship is when people want to be together, when they are well together, when they trust each other and constantly do good to each other, care and understand each other.


So what is friendship between a man and a woman ?!

A lot of beautiful words are said about friendship, this is a fact. Friendship, real friendship between men happens and will be, between women, no and there will be, but between a man and a woman, when they have spouses, but call each other every evening and spend time together - friendship ?! What is it, when a young girl who has a boyfriend at work, goes to a friendly meeting with another guy "friend".

Why does she go to him ?! And her boyfriend knows that she walks with him, hardly ?! And why does she not tell anyone about him, he's a friend ?!

I myself became convinced that it is impossible to be friends with a guy, if, of course, to mean real friendship with support at a difficult moment, pleasant pastime, etc. With a guy you can study in one group, have a friend in touch, sending him one trivial message a year on his d. But you can not do it any more.

You can not spend time with a guy, go to the cinema, talk on candid topics, hug, look forward to the next meeting and say that we are just friends. Yes, just friends - it's just a brilliant excuse to hide reality. Maybe in the beginning, your mind communicates and tells you that this is friendship, nothing more. But ... But it's worse next.

After a while your mind and your heart will tell you that you can not without it and do not want him to meet with another. And only your self-deception will confidently prove to you and others that this is only friendship. There is one way that I came up with to check how you feel about your "friend". Imagine that you have a friend, although if you are reading this article, he certainly is and not only is, you are still thinking about him a lot.

So, you have a friend, and friends need help, right ?! So, you would like him to meet with another girl, you would introduce him to another beautiful and suitable girl, would you really be happy for him? Do you want me to guess your answer ?! NO, your answer is NO.

And if your answer is no, then you are not friends, you are lovers who still refuse to believe it. I would be in your place, I really was in your place, I did not think that we were friends, but how to tell my boyfriend that I love and can not live without another person. This is important.

Imagine that your boyfriend has a girlfriend - a friend with whom he spends a lot of time together, goes to the movies and helps at a difficult moment. Will you not be offended that he spends so much time with her ?! Of course it will be. After all of the above, I want to conclude that friendship between a guy and a girl is impossible.

It's probably not true friendship, but so, study together, or this romantic relationship, covered with a harmless word "friendship." If you have stories about the real friendship of a man and a woman, a guy and a girl, then write them in the comments)))

Love, appreciate, trust, protect each other and never call, even in jest)))) Well, if you are friends with a guy and can not without him, then think about whether he is a friend or a lover?


"Friendship is one soul, living in two bodies." V.Vysotsky.





I believe that the myth.

think that it exists