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RE: Self Help Book

in #life6 years ago

"Copying is an easy way to gain success". This statement terrifies me. Being a content writer, copying is like a crime to me. It's like enjoying over other's hard work. There's definitely some limit in copying which shouldn't be crossed. There are some people with very quality intelligence to create well-crafted content but really poor reach so their content isn't recognized. A person with greater reach copies it and steals all the praise which he doesn't deserve. I've seen so many such incidents but I do agree copying is an easy way to gain success and it is bad. I think we shouldn't encourage others to copy.


This is not about copying others work, this is about copying successful people, you should copy the thing, in which you are not expert, if you don't copy then you can't learn. And giving credit is on you, in this book robbin clearly said that he copied a best shooter to learn shooting., now you can figure by this example, and at the end of this post i clearly said that copying is not good on steemit it mean I am not supporting copying content writing, I hope and wish you get it what i mean to say,... thanks for read and support