
Glad I could add to your useless, I mean useful knowledge! ;). And yes the poor crocus, supplanted (yes the pun is intentional), by the red rose! :)

There''s a point to thinking outside the "crocus box" when it comes to gifting: crocusses don't survive a plucking for more than a minute. But might not there be a lesson in that, also? Call me unromantic but roses only go so far with me (I'd be so lucky....). Since once you've seen what goes on behind the glass walls of rose-growers you begin to doubt such artificial creations can actually contain much love.

I didn't know that about crocuses! (or is it croci? ;).) I suppose it's like knowing how the magician does his trick when you see how the rose-growers get the finished article to your bouquet, the magic is gone.