Hack your Lumix 4K camera to shoot unlimited time video!

in #life7 years ago

It's been a long hard road, learning about EU camera laws, taxes and regulations, and how they affect the new camera I'm holding in my hand today.

But most of the cameras you can buy today that shoot 1080P or 4K video, have time limits built into the firmware, so they won't qualify as video cameras and be taxed in a higher bracket if sold in the EU.

Lumix, Sony, Canon, apparently are all touched by this new law, which was passed some time around 2007 and went into effect shortly after, from what I read.. I'm guessing all these Japan companies were facing huge payouts to the EU if they didn't limit the video record times. (IF YOU KNOW MORE than me, please comment below.)


I love the FZ1000 and am just now learning to use it well. I'm off to the beach and Santa Cruz coastline to take pictures of the Monterey Pines north of town at Greyhound Rock Park.

Here's a great tutorial on that camera in case you are interested in the best single-lense cam for under $1000 to shoot 20mp photos, and 4K video made today: (you can also see what this camera looks like physically)

I've never owned a camera with a video recording limit, and I'm not used to having to worry about it, if I want to deploy a video camera for wildlife, or ceremonies, security, etc.

Some cameras today, simply heat up, and won't run 15 minutes. That's a different issue..
And of course, limits on the size of the memory card, or the lenght of time the camera can record at 4K on 1 battery at a time kick in, because I have YET to find a consumer grade camera that will allow USB power and recharge while being used!

My DREAM was an FZ1000 that would film without a time limit, in 4K. I was on the prowl... search engines, here I come!

Firmware based limits; a very thorny problem that is rarely hacked by pirate firmware releases. Now that cameras hook up to our smartphones, it's a little scarey to think you would allow some russian hacker to access to your camera that gets connected directly by wifi to your smart phone.. but some early DSLRs do have hacked firmware releases available; however, they usually take a few years to appear, so are never available for recent model cameras.

But for the Lumex cameras, there does appear to be a workaround:
Most larger cams can be hacked to take off the 4K video recording time limit, see 2 different YT videos below:

This hack uses the camera's Service Mode, that will allow the camera access to NTSC modes (if set as an EU camera) and also will sometimes eliminate the 4K video limits imposed in the firmware at the same time. There are small caveats however, like perhaps USB functions may be lost (temporarily), until Service Mode is reverted.

I was successful with my FZ1000 recently, and I had a little party that lasted all night! ;-)

After literally months of fighting with cameras, and not realizing these new laws had been passed, and were also being imposed on most of the rest of the world as well as EU, it was FUN to find a workaround.

This hack supposedly works on most of the larger Lumex cameras; sorry I lost my list I was building.
From what I read, FZ2500 doesn't need it (no limit) and G6, G7, G8, GX80, GX85, those kinds of cameras, this hack works!

Much as I have done with the FZ1000:

I would love to find a way to put my Lumix LX10 in Service Mode (and negate it's recording limit of 15 minutes for 4K video). I have tried and failed many times now. LX10 DOES NOT have a time LIMIT on 1080P 30fps video, from the factory.

If you find a way, please comment on my post, or post a video on YT and point us to it!


I would love to buy a good camera, can you suggest me something around $500?

Read this article, and pick large or small physical size. I think the smaller cams get used more..
bigger cams have more pro results to add a nice microphone; wind covers can be important outdoors or all you get on the video audio is wind noise..


Ok, thank you!

I took both cameras to the beach today, and they both did really well.
If you compare the Lx10, to the FZ1000, they both cost about the same.

  • LX10 is much smaller! ! ! Fits in your pocket, but much less zoom capability than FZ1000.
  • FZ1000 is a real pro camera; can do it all really:
    • hot shoe for external flash
    • accepts a microphone input for a directional microphone (important outside)
  • FZ1000 - it's quite big, but not heavy to carry around. Needs a neck strap, and a dedicated bridge cam case; but much less than a DLSR to carry..
  • FZ1000 FITS IN THE HAND very well and is a joy to use.
  • LX10 is more modern and has a touch screen display on the back
  • FZ1000 has a really nice monitor display that is similar to a video camera, can go all different angles to see if you lift it above your head in crowd, etc..
  • FZ1000 can zoom 3x more than the LX10, so you can zoom way in on people from far away. Not so much zoom with LX10, but still good.
  • LX10, while small, doesn't fit in the hand very well; it's very small.. and so it has less controls to do similar things as FZ1000. Needs some kind of heavy wrist strap, and maybe aftermarket grip add-on!
  • LX10 has a selfie screen flip up; but it does not point in different directions as the FZ1000.

Then I think FZ1000 fits for me, I have a big hand and it seems LX10 is too small.

Thank you so much for your help, Hope steemit will help me reach these goals!

The best thing about FZ1000, is you can hack it to be a pro 4K video camera!
With an amazing lens that can zoom way in on things ;-) ;-)


Yes, I think 4k it s needed... we are in 2017

I wasn't aware of this at all... have never tried to record that long of a video on my Sony a6000 but just looked it up and seems it has a 30 minute limit. Hope you can find a way to make it work with the LX10! Upvoted and following you to see if you find a solution and for more photography information - you've got some great content here! Thanks :)

Both cameras seem fantastic, and are reasonably priced too. I'm looking for a new camera, and this post has really helped me. thanks

I've heard about this, it's something to do with how the EU taxes video cameras. Anything over I believe 30 minutes is a video recorder and not a camera. The taxes are more. So DSLR companies reduced the time to 30 minutes....or 29mins. Nikon is the same way. This is done straigth across the board to all DSLRs...even the DSLR's sold in the states. It's cheaper I guess to limit them all than to only limit half.


I make some visual effects videos for fun, so can you suggest me a good camera for it. Please come to my blog and tell me how can I improve my videos quality?

@surfyogi nice post upvoted visit my wall then you free thanks alot

some really nice hacks may come in handy :)

Awesome videos

Hi surfyogi, don't know much about cameras. Just wanted to stop by your blog, do a little reading and say "hello". Thanks again🐓