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RE: The Goodness Of Humanity || Are We Even Worth It ?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I do tend to take the same standpoint that by nature humans are rather 'innocent' and that deviations from that are typically 'learned.'

Even though I've endlessly heard the quote that "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," I personally find intentions to go a loooong way. Yes, these can be corrupted and quite subjective, but knowing why somebody did something is typically how we tend to judge others actions.

I always think back to the old 'morality' question of:

  • Is is ok to steal?
  • What if a person is stealing food to feed their starving family or medicine for a sickly spouse?

It often leads down an interesting path of responses, often showing how that person (giving the response) prioritized various things. Some same stealing is against the law, so it's wrong...others instead go into the more human synergy and/or sympathetic view that helping people is of higher priority.

There's no easy objective answer to this unfortunately...hence why there are tons of governing, religious, etc styles out there. So I've personally just tried to start from the acting persons point of view to see how it makes sense to them...even if I disagree, I can get where they're coming from.


Good to see we having same standpoint :)

Now, looking at the question of morality, I don't think it's ever good to steel for whatever cause. Given the cause of helping people, it's not immoral to steal but illegal. But again, rules are just sets of instructions developed by people to keep ourselves under some systems so that we do not bend from it. Let's keep that part apart, it's always obvious that hungry stomach do not oblige by any rules or philosophy. People tend to steal when they do not own anything to make their living. They can go to any extent which is so natural, however, I don't see any good in that. It's okay though. Living doesn't only include being alive, but also following moral obligations.

If someone is stealing food to feed their starving family or medicine for a sickly spouse, so what will it do? It will make them stay alive and feel the energy of life again. But someone who is stealing has to live the whole life with the guilt of immoral obligation. However, that pain can never be the worth more than the life of someone. So, I personally think there is nothing either good or bad, it's believe which make it so. If you have belief that you are doing good, it's good... if you think it's bad and you are doing it, then that tends to hurt for the rest of the life.

Again, I am just imposing my personal thoughts, I don't say I am right but I believe. The world works on belief and faith :)

Wow awesome thoughts @deepapoudel
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