In Order To Survive: The Struggles of Poor People- The Core of Survival

in #life6 years ago (edited)

In Order To Survive: The Struggles of Poor People

The Core of Survival


Poverty is a state where you can are not capable of getting your needs financially that may cause hungriness, thirstiness, and homelessness. It is throughout the world and one of the biggest problems of every country. The poverty may start with those people who have no good educational background, laziness on working hard, and thriftless on spending money. Also, the poverty is caused by some social conditions and governmental problems. The problems in war, corruption, graft, and fascism may cause poverty to the people.


The problems in poverty propagated throughout the world especially in Africa and Asia. The increasing number of poverty may augment the rate of crimes too. People who couldn't get a good job in order to feed their families and themselves choose to do things against the law like selling drugs, robbing in a bank, and murdering for a syndicate. Some children get involved in heinous things too just to feed themselves.

In the Philippines, the poverty is one of the unsolvable things by the government. The unstoppable reproduction is the best reason for a family to become poor because the parents couldn't get good stipends in order to support their children financially. There is a common situation where the parents will drop out their children from schools because of the expensive educational expenses. It is true that there are public schools where you can study freely but due to the uncontrollable bad situations like growing family and lessening of foods, some children choose to help their parents in working in order to fill their hungry stomachs. Some poor Filipinos eat only rice porridge in order to aid the hunger. If this way of filling stomachs continue, health problems may threaten the society.

The Crimes of the Poor Men

I will take the Philippines as an example. (I came from this country. So no offense.)

Like what stated earlier, the poverty may push a person for doing a wicked thing in order to get money. According to the studies in the Philippines, some crimes are conducted by the poor people. These people get involved in different criminal areas like delivering illegal drugs and killing an important person.

"Crime is for poor people. You do not need to rob a bank if you own it." ~Josh Lieb

That's a quote that almost made sense to us. Poverty caused the people to do crimes. These people do not have good jobs for good salaries. That is why the government of the Philippines is doing their steps in order to stop the contractualization. Also, some companies are fixing now the ways of giving salaries.


There's a famous adage that is carved in our minds for a lifetime.

Education is the key of success.

Yes, it is. But some people did not agree with it like Mark Zuckerberg. Remember, everyone is not like him. We still need education in order to succeed somehow.

There are public schools where you can study freely. Students who couldn't be go to a private education, go to these schools in order to finish the basic teachings. Then, they enter college. There are colleges with high tuition fees. But there are scholarships available for those students who are academically physically active.

But there are several factors that may stop them for choosing education in order to succeed in life. There are children who choose to be part of the long list of out-of-school children because of poverty. They choose to work in blue collar jobs. Some leave their schools due to teenage pregnancy, leading into early marriages.

To get rid of Poverty

There are impecunious who choose to work abroad. They get good salaries that can bring their children to higher education and better sanitation. But still, working abroad has a great disadvantage to the country where an overseas worker came from.

The best way to fight poverty is EDUCATION. Even Unicef observed it too!



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May this Young innocent angels will be taking care. I know what they have been through is not easy. God Bless Lil Angels Be strong in life.