From Lurker to StalkersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

In my last year of high school, I had a stalker of sorts. A girl who had taken a shining to me and had decided that she and I were destined to be together. She was a friend of mine earlier, not a good friend but someone I had spoken to. She was quite overweight and I have a feeling that people hadn't always been so nice to her about this over the years.

One day after school I gave her a lift home and I think that this was the catalyst that started the semi-obsession as I was a guy that had done something she found unexpectedly giving.

I was already dating another girl which she knew but for the rest of the year, she proceeded to follow us around the school and at the breaks whenever we looked over our shoulder, she was there somewhere watching us. This went on until the end of the year and then after school had ended, I never saw her again.

Until over a decade later.

Just after I joined Facebook around 2007, I started getting pokes, requests and some messages from her but under a different last name, she was now married. I didn't accept and in the very first message, it was still evident that she was still harbouring some unresolved issues. She got disappointed and then nasty very fast.

What I wonder however is if stalking is increasing because of social media exposure. With so many people putting so much of their lives online, does this make finding someone and feeling like there is a connection to them that much easier?

We hear stories about stars who have had people fall in love with them after seeing movies and then create a fantasy world in which they are meant to be together. They then spend their time stalking and often harassing the star and at times it gets very dangerous.

But, with so much of our private lives out in the open and so many people able to lurk across a whole range of social platforms, wouldn't the same kinds of delusions manifest in some fraction of the population? Couple this with the ability for the internet to connect any person with a wide range of varied content for every taste, and I think it is little wonder that these kinds of things are increasing.

There seems to be a whole range of strange and sick people in this world and I am sure that they have always existed and will continue to well into the future. But, now the hurdle for these people to jump over is not very high if they want to watch through the digital windows. very few of us are overly careful with our digital privacy when it comes to a whole range of areas, not just here at Steemit.

The average person has a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and whatever other random public social site. Many are also under the impression that the validation from strangers is important to their self-worth and will increasingly open their lives to the public eye, an eye they have very little control over.

What happens when someone becomes obsessive and starts to stalk, what happens if they can find you? The stars get into trouble and they have security systems and bodyguards to watch over them at nearly all times. The majority however are much less prepared.

And what of the obsessed? Would they build the delusion if they didn't have access to a myriad selfies and parties with friends to scroll through? Are we goading them into acting on behaviours that may have otherwise laid dormant had they never had access?

Am I to blame for giving a ride to someone who was sort of a friend and talking to her as if she is any other human I would talk to? Did I lead her on with my actions, did my smile or joke give her the impression that we were meant to be together? Of course it didn't but, some people become delusional very easily, especially when they are vulnerable for one reason or another.

For me, I did not fear her behaviour, I did not worry about my own safety as I am a man and under the (probably mistaken) impression that I can handle myself if needs be. My girlfriend at the time was somewhat worried as she was half her size and the likely target of any aggressive behaviour. She was not the physically aggressive type but, broken minds do broken things.

I am not a woman so I cannot accurately put myself into the shoes of one but, four out of five stalking victims are women and in the vast majority of cases, the stalker and victim know each other. Often through former or ongoing intimate relationships but also through more casual relationships.

I think that it is because people that know each other have access to some view of real life plus which is supplemented by an online view of the person too. This means that they can form a bond and then feed the delusion through a digital feast of images and information that winds the severity upwards and can send someone on a spiralling slippery slope downwards. Many of these interactions end violently.

There is no real stopping these people other than limiting their access to our lives which many are unwilling to do. Because of the anonymous social group validation so many seek, people are increasingly wanting content reach and less likely to consider the consequences of what content gets that level of reach.

At least, I think that the young people of today need to have a lot more education on the potential dangers of social media and sharing the content they do. Not only could it be out there in the internet wilds for eternity, it may inspire a whole range of unwanted attention and usages from people it was never intended for. Should this stop us? I don't think so but we should at least be aware as to what our actions could lead some broken people to do.

This is just some preliminary thinking on the matter but I will likely have to explore this further and much more deeply and practically as my daughter grows and joins the digital masses.

[ a Steemit original ]


Can't say much on your pondering of enabling as I know very little about that, your logic seems sound though :)

Many are also under the impression that the validation from strangers is important to their self-worth

I like to blame society and the media for pretty much everything XD otherwise am wondering if there is a way to increase people's sense of self worth as that's a lot of people addicted to those likes.

It is not my area either so I can't claim sensitive knowledge, just experience and limited thinking. The issue is tying self-worth to the opinions of a group.

Yes, but how to get around that? Sometimes even when people come from a loving and stable family they still manage to have low self worth :S


I didn't come from one of those families however the answer is in the question in my opinion. Self-esteem must come from understanding the self independent of others opinions and expectations. This requires reflection and being alone (I don't mean lonely) so there is the space to truly think and discover who one is. Once that is known, no amount of criticism need ever damage an ego for the illusory ego itself is gone, what is left is an authentic individual that can be a part of a community without being designed by the group.

BTW, cute drawing :)

And this, gentle readers, may quite possibly be one of the best explanations of self esteem I have ever read.

Thanks, tis my new comment footer ^_^


The borders of private and public life are redefined daily in this digital world we live in.

In this new era each person needs to set these boundaries for themselves but in order to do that they need to be informed. Forget about the likes and re-whatever you will get from your friends. You should ask yourself: when you are posting this photo are you prepared to have potentially everyone see it for, potentially, ever? And please bear in mind that not everyone think like you do, so everyone will interpret it differently. If the answer to this is anything other than an absolute "yes", perhaps it would be better to think it twice.

I think that's a good way of explaining to somebody what a post could mean in the digital world. However, this can easily create fear. Fear of being watched and that any action online could have potentially devastating effects at some point in the future. So caution is warranted for this, as well. We can't live isolated from the world. Nor can we live in fear.

Personally, I don't think about the question above very much, truth be told. For one, it's because I don't expose deeply personal moments online, nor do I post controversial or inflammatory content. Heck, before steemit I didn't post much of anything, as I've said in my introductory post.
Also, since I really am not a fan of conspiracy theories, I believe that no one is really interested in exploring my personal life. I'm not that interesting. 😊

And, of course, the psyche of other people shouldn't dictate our actions, if they are not addressed to them. If they are then we take them into consideration, whether we want to or not. Each one acts based on their belief system, their personalities, their mood at the time. And each other receives that action (or not) and (re)acts according to their personalities, belief systems and mood at the time. No one is responsible for someone else's actions.

You're damn right... besides keeping a daughter safe in real world, you need to teach her digital safety, too.

yes. I am not very good with it myself but I have to learn. At the moment, I share baby photos of her but that will end at some point too. It is a strange world we live in really when we have to think about these things.

You should be more careful. Others might look at those pictures differently...

Very true! Sometimes im frowning of parents who share too much info of their child online.

This is a very insightful, well-written post, from a refreshingly different perspective.

I find it very interesting that even the idea of "stalking" has become exponentially more confusing since the dawn of the social networking age.

It's almost created the idea that stalking is acceptable, or even welcome.

yes. I think that it has been diluted in severity by its overuse. It has been somewhat hijacked like many other terms these days.

"For me, I did not fear her behaviour, I did not worry about my own safety as I am a man"

That's true, women who are being stalked have much more to fear. I can imagine how scary it is for a women, as the stalker can physically overwhelm the target.

"At least, I think that the young people of today need to have a lot more education on the potential dangers of social media and sharing the content they do."

Yeah it is not had to figure out where people live just by looking at their social media accounts.

Yes, women have a lot to fear in this world unfortunately.

Thats crazy!

Teaching young people the consequences of putting their whole lives on line has bothered me for a long time. Holding back valuable information is key. 🐓🐓good post.

The problem comes when what they value is attention and validation more than themselves.

Sometimes all the safety tips in the world does no good, specially dealing with someone unbalanced.

This is why you can never rely on legislation for protection.

I have had a stalker. He is why I carry a firearm now. After 3 attempts on my life, I decided I needed to protect myself. Police are minutes away when seconds count. The stalker I had has seen me shoot so once be saw I was carrying he stopped stalking me as he knows I am a damn good shot.

wtf! man that must have been really scary! what did he attempt to do to you tecnosgirl? and do you know his reasons for his actions? man lots of twisted people in this world. whew!

He was an ex, that when he hit me found out that I won't allow anyone to hit me. I was thrown into martial arts when I was 3, it is a family thing. I fought back, left him and he didn't take it well. For years he stalked me, he attacked me on 3 occasions trying to kill me. And the last time my body felt it and I barely got away. I have a no contact order, but it did no good, he ignored it. After the last attack I went and got my permit and started openly carrying so he would see that I am armed. We also moved again while he was locked up and I took great pains to make sure he wouldn't be able to find me easy. But I now always carry when I am out so if for some reason he decides to start messing with me again, I am prepared.

It was scary and really unnerving. Specially after I moved and he got out of jail, he started stalking people he thought could lead him to me. But when I moved I didn't let anyone friends or family know where I live. I hope he is done because some of my friends and family now know where I live. I am signed up for a victims notification alerts he keeps getting arrested in Colorado, so I hope he stays out west.

man thats one twisted ex you got. good thing you know martial arts! some people are really scary. and the sad thing is, we wont really know about what they're capable of doing until they've been around in our life for awhile. it must be really stressful on your part always looking over your shoulders and trying to hide your location from him! you keep safe always tecnos!

I don't worry about it any more. I hope he leaves me alone but I refuse to live in fear. Stalkers can be scary and leave one paranoid. I took my life back.

yeah it definitely leaves one paranoid, no doubt! i applaud you for being a strong woman tecnosgirl! keep safe always!

Are we goading them into acting on behaviours that may have otherwise laid dormant had they never had access?

It is their issue. I will not accommodate someone else's mental problems.

I will not.
Trying to understand an unbalanced individual is just falling into their reality.

I am quite callous in this.
And totally unapologetic.

The issue is that too often people pay the cost of others actions because they think they are protected by laws.

I do not change my behaviour for other's poor minds either but I am also willing to accept that they may snap and I may be required to act. I accept insecurity though and won't rely on an authority for protection.

I agree - people have been duped into thinking the law is their to protect them.

It can only ever be a 'mopping up operation', at best.

I accept insecurity though and won't rely on an authority for protection.

It's nice to be a grown up, isn't it? lol

thats why social media is a double-edge sword. it brings people closer together and to connect with anyone instantly, but on the downside it also carries with it some risks that most people are not really aware of. exposing your personal life to everyone in the world is actually dangerous especially to people that have bad intentions. i suggest you start teaching your daughter early on about the dangers of social media because there really are some dark and twisted people out there. ive noticed nowadays that a lot of kids as younger as 8 years old are very good at using social medias. whats to stop people with ill-intentions from taking advantage of them? so yeah educating the young ones of the dangers and limiting their exposure to social medias is imperative in my opinion. great post by the way taraz bro!

It isn't in the usage, it is in the ability to identify potential threats. I wrote a post a while ago about people teaching their kids not to talk to strangers which is a dangerous practice. Instead, parents should teach children to recognise strangeness so then they can identify well and avoid dangerous situations.

Youre right. Come to think of it, limiting their usage isnt really the true solution since they will always find a way to use it anyway. Your opinion of learning how to recognize strangeness is a much better solution now that i think about it. But its a tricky solution, since kids are rather limited in their judgement since they still dont have much experience yet in terms of interacting with people. Even educating them with how to spot strangeness has its limits since they can only know so much based on what we teach them. and people with bad intentions always are one step ahead of us in terms of using ingenuity and tactics to get what they want and they always come up with new ways to do it. We will only know how to avoid it if we heard about it happening to other people. In my opinion, i guess limiting their usage, checking up on how they are using it and teaching them on how to stop strangeness can go hand in hand in order to prevent children from being taken advantage of. Just my two cents bro.

Yes, it takes vigilance and a willingness to learn on the part of the parents, not parenting on intuition. It has to start relatively young and actively developed while at the same time, parents are learning.

As you said, there are some that are always a step ahead and we generally only learn when it 'happens to someone else'. This is why rather than thinking in the group, we should spend some time in the uncomfortable simulation of someone that means harm. The mind of the psychopath so to speak.

I see that this simulation helps prepare in numerous ways and gives guidelines of where we are strong and where we are not but most are unwilling to even think of terror, let alone prepare for it.

Sadly thats the truth in this world bro. Most people are unwilling to think of terror let alone prepare for it. Thanks for sharing your insights bro. I love interactions like this. Giving opinions and insights back and forth. Cheers taraz!