How to be a Book-Hunter Like A Pro

in #life7 years ago

Admit it, you like books and probably love them. No matter what your profession or passion is, you can always feel the warmth and excitement while holding a comic or a paperback thriller. They are the best friends you can expect on holiday. So why not build a collection of your own so that these treasures are always near you whenever you need them? Wake up! mate! Time to build a library.

Before you proceed, a humble reminder. building a personal library is neither easy nor cheap. Being a book hunter means spending a lot of money and time. Let alone the labor. But don’t worry, they will not be wasted.

Now that you are prepared to do whatever it needs to build your bedroom library, let’s get started. Well, the hard part is done already, you have made up your mind.

Step 1: Walk, Walk, Walk

You’ll have to be walking a lot. Roam through your nearby bookshops. Find a shop, get in, and dive into the ocean of happiness. Now pick a book, anything you like. Do not care about what other people think about your choice. You are the Monarch in this territory if you believe you are. Like the one you picked? Come on, buy it.

Step 2: Mind the Street Shops

If you only visit the dazzling, good looking and renowned bookshops, you will certainly end up collecting the popular books only. But being a book hunter, you are not in search of just the popular ones, you are looking for the exclusive ones, the antique ones, the rare ones. Street shops are best places for such books. You won’t believe what is waiting for you if you know where to look how.

Step 3: Organize

Being a book hunter is a responsibility. You do not just buy them and throw them under your bed. Keep them where they will be safe. Make no mistake, books need protection too. You have to keep the rats and insects away. Also, make sure they are kept in an organized way so that you can find any book easily. My suggestion? Get a bookshelf.

Step 4: Read a Lot

Isn’t it obvious? You don’t collect books for showing off (Well maybe you do and that’s a good thing). So, read. Reading one book is the inspiration you need to buy another. Read one, buy a hundred. And trust me, it’s fun.

If you love the academic publications, do not forget to check the references. They are a very good suggestion for which book you want to read or buy next.

Step 5: Keep the Contacts

Staying in the loop always helps. Collect the phone number of the sellers. Give them a call sometimes and remind them to notify you about new arrivals. Now you will always be updated.

Step 6: Stay Online

Internet will be your best friend from now on (It already is probably, but in a different way). Check the website or Facebook/Twitter pages of your favorite publishers and bookshops regularly. They will keep you posted about what’s coming next.

Well, that’s all you need. Now get started. Be a book hunter and twenty years later you will have a treasure trove of your own. Rest assured, your grandchildren will thank you for this.

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