Today I helped a homeless man

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today I was out and about doing what I do taking photos of things that interests me. When I saw this man standing on the side of the road walking back and worth with his sign, limping. I don't know his story but my heart told me to help him and I did.


After I handed him the money someone yelled at me that I shouldn't help him he didn't need help. I hollered back at them and told them not to worry about what I do with my money and went along my way. I did a few things but couldn't get him out of my head, so I went back downtown where I saw him and got out to take photos around downtown hoping I would see him again. And sure enough I did.

I sat down and talked with him, his name is Harold by the way and he gave me permission to tell his story. Last month he landed in the hospital and was there till two weeks ago when he got out of the hospital his landlord since he was late on rent threw him out on the streets and he lost his job because of the hospitalization. I also found out he is a VET so I am so glad I helped him. I wished him the best and continued on my way after talking to him for a bit.

I kept taking the photos I was out to capture when I saw him gather his few belonging and head out, he said bye to me and told me he was tired and was gonna go get some sleep. I was curious so I followed him to see where he was sleeping. My heart is broken because of what I saw.


I found out today about 25 people stay under that bridge any given night. A little ways down there is this and apparently another 15-20 people stay the night here a night.

I am really sad after seeing what I saw today. I try to help those in need when I can, but it brings it into a whole new perspective when you see this stuff up close and personal. If you see someone helping someone else please don't be rude to the person helping out, it is their money and it is none of your business if they want to help someone out that they believe is in need. It is called being a decent human being. Don't knock on people who are trying to be good people and giving someone a hand up from their situation. Most people are two pay checks away from being homeless, so you never know when it can happen to you. Too much greed and evil in the world we need more kindness and compassion.


Thank you for sharing, I was looking forward to read your post all day.

Thank you @siragrays I appreciate the support of all my fellow steemians you all are great.

Keep spreading your #yunk and doing you...

Every life is significant and every life is equally important...

I salute you.

Thank you @crypto2day hope it inspires you to do acts of kindness when you can. Yunk it up......

I always do...

I try to give as much as I can to those in need.

Through my business I try to respond and give all donations that we receive, I help the homeless in our area through donations and my time, and I try to just genuinely give back without the want of retribution to those in need.

Our lives are much more fulfilled feeling when we take the time to help enrich the lives of others.

This post received a 4.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @siragrays! For more information, click here!

So good of you to give to him and then going back and talking to him and getting his story and these shots

Sadly there are those like him that get into a Homeless state due to issues out of their control and they need help, but sadly there are others especially in big cities who are panhandling to raise money for their bad habits, along 42nd street I see many of those, their is one guy who hads had a job starting on monday and just needing $47 for boots, has had the exact same sign and moves up and down 42nd for 6 months

another couple where the lady has been pregnant for close to two years now\it people like that that make people wary and not help those who really need help

Yeah I know and I can normally spot the scammers. But if it one gets by me, it is on their Karma not mine.

Exactly I also have some that I help out from time to time with a bit here and there, I remember one when I lived in queens a similar story to this guy who slept in the subway, about once a week would see him and pick up a pizza and sit with him and share the pizza and talk, in the end this is one of my favorite personal moments, one day he had been to a meeting with social services or something so was cleaned up when I saw him so I took him to the local pizza place and we grabbed pizza and ate there, the owner of the Little pizza place came and sat with us and they got chatting, I had to leave but was pleasantly surprised when I walked past the pizza place and the guy was working there when I eft the area I swapped emails with him and we still keep in touch and his life has turned around :)

A little kindness can change someone's life.

yes I have always been a great believer in that

Very moving story. You did a great thing talking to this man, listening to his story. I believe a bit of kindess is just as important as the money we give to these people. We tend to forget that they didn't start out on the streets, they had families, a roof over their heads, a job, they were just like us.

Most people are two pay checks away from being homeless, so you never know when it can happen to you

indeed people underestimate this. cool story


I once was walking down the streets in Chicago and saw 3 beggars. I gave one some of my change. Later on, I saw a news report interviewing this man while begging on the streets. He said he does this for a living. He made a pretty good income considering. But it doesn't matter to me what he did with the money, what matters is how I felt in my heart for giving. You see, I believe that the more you give the more you will receive. It takes a wise person to see his or her real blessings in life.

Upvoted and resteemed I support acts of kindness.

thank you very much. I hope it inspires others to create their own acts of kindness in some small way. If more people do we can make the world a better place.

... it makes sense to help your fellow man/women. I think we are all not just individuals but part of a greater whole - so the guy suffering on the street, is in a way, part of us. Then its only natural to help.

Good work, upvoted and resteemed

Thank you very much, and your words are so true. Thank you for your support

You know, I often think to myself that these SJW types always seem to care about people from the third world but nobody seems to care about the homeless in our western countries. It's pretty sickening really and you think about it.

Nice to see somebody trying to help a homeless guy. I try to as well when I see them because I always think to myself how easy it is to get to that situation with the never ending increase in tax and bills.

2 paychecks away is how close most are to being this man themselves

That is absolutely true. Anyone of us could lose our job and exhaust our savings and become homeless. Lots of Americans are homeless living in their cars. I feel sorry for them and I hope it never happens to me or anyone in my family.