
Join some fb groups for the parents of vaccine injured children. You will most definitely be crying. I couldn't take it and had to get out after the project I was on ended.

I went there for research about two years ago and there are two types of groups I found.

  1. Parents who are fighting for help after their "perfect" child was made ill. Autism is not the only possible outcome. Other kids get immediately sensitive to foods - can't eat, run fevers, have seizures - a variety of illnesses. These families lose everything - friends and family disappear - and they have to go vaccine court on their own dime unless the vaccine batch was so bad that they become part of a class.

The possible illnesses are well spelled out on the inserts to the shots, but most parents don't have them or read them until they are forced to.

  1. Parents who must get the vaccines for their kids for various reasons of health insurance or school attendance. They band together for support.

Both groups use protocols to detox out as much of the harmful items as possible in the first two weeks after the shots. The damaging material is in the solution for the most part - additives that have nothing to do with protecting the herd.

I'm in Thailand now where there are only 7 shots - recommended - none mandatory. Not sure why us kids need upwards of 60 of them - most required. It must be a weak herd over there.

"Join some fb groups for the parents of vaccine injured children. You will most definitely be crying."

yeah, because I will have lost all faith in humanity after seeing your absolute stupidity.

It's not me - I do not have a vaccine injured child. My family did not leave me because they cannot take facing the symptoms my kids suffers. I did not lose my job to take care of my kid for the rest of my life and his. This is what people talk about in those groups. You should join a few of them - your eyes will be opened to the pain these families face. Empathy is a good thing.

Yellow fever, a viral disease that occurs primarily in tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and South America, kills 30,000 each year. The virus is transmitted most often through the bite of the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. Once controlled fairly well by widespread vaccination and mosquito control, the disease is making a comeback and outbreaks are becoming more frequent.

Yellow fever - I do not know about at all. However, if you visit South America or Africa, you need a shot to be able to visit other countries afterwards. This is why those two continents are last on my list. You do not need to fear this illness if you do not plan travel to either of those places.

Anything mosquito borne is suspect as the big guys are messing with the bugs these days. They just released a bunch in Northern California so expect outbreaks of something! Fear porn coming your way.


"empathy is a good thing"

and then you proceed to ignore the millions of deaths due to vaccine preventable diseases. You are the person responsible for this slaughter. You disgust me.

I'm mostly on the fight against obesity. The 800 thousand plus Americans who die with obesity on their death certificates are the people I work for. Also the millions more dying from obesity-related illnesses.

We all have to choose our causes. If you spend your days worrying about all of them, you will get nothing done.

"why us kids need upwards of 60 of them"

many are booster shots that allow us to build up a resistance to stuff like tetanus

when an epidemic starts and everyone around you ends up being slaughtered by it don't come crying to us, because you will be in quarantine.

Look up the Vaccine court payouts for damages for tetanus shots and you may not be so eager to get your next one. The annual flu shot payouts are much higher though so pick your poison.

The only epidemics are in your head and on tv. Don't be fooled.

", referred to in the Old Testament as the “seventh-day death,” killed an estimated 200,000 newborns and 30,000 mothers in 2001. The tetanus bacteria are ubiquitous – they live in soil, in animal dung and in feces. Tetanus can infect newborns if the umbilical cord is cut with unsterile instruments or the incision treated with contaminated dressings."

Wow - you are really living in fear. This must be difficult. The US has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the first world and it is climbing. No unsterile umbilical cutters needed as the kids die all on their own. Getting shots on the day they are born may contribute to the early deaths, but it is not being studied so no one will ever know.

This combined with the plummeting birth rates of us born people is the reason the un is expecting depopulation in the us by 2040 and encouraging more immigration. You can find this information and the projections in the us agenda 2040 reports. It's not looking good for the us in particular.

"Rotavirus, a pervasive wheel-shaped virus, is a leading cause of severe diarrhoea in infants and young children, particularly in the developing world. Currently, there is no vaccine approved for the disease, which kills 600,000 children under five each year."

Notice - no vaccine. This illness is due to sanitation issues.

"Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), prevalent mainly in developing countries, is estimated to cause approximately 3 million cases of serious disease and kills about 450,000 children every year. Most children die from pneumonia and a minority from meningitis. In developing countries about 40% of Hib meningitis cases are fatal, and 15-35% of children who survive are left with permanent disabilities. Despite gradual uptake of the Hib vaccine in developing countries, in 2001, only one in five children worldwide were immunized against Hib during the first year of life."

Yeah - not buying that one at all. No one gets this shot here - no one has this flu you fear so much. Many American do not get the shot. Many more Americans die from the flu shot than the flu on an annual basis. See cdc reports on this topic.

In many cases, the flu is not listed as the cause of death because death results from secondary conditions brought on by the flu. In any case, the CDC estimates that 12,000 to 56,000 people die each year from the flu in the U.S. alone (the numbers vary based on how severe the particular strain is that year). Most of the deaths happen among the very young and the very old. I couldn't find CDC numbers on the number of deaths caused by the vaccine. Have a link? The CDC recommends getting the vaccine which wouldn't really make sense if they issued reports indicating that the vaccine caused more deaths than the flu.

Look at the pdf reports of the US Federal Vaccine Court for death stats. My wifi is bad right now or I would get it for you. This court was set up in the 80's when the others courts got too crowded with all the lawsuits for the many new vaccines. The court reports their stats to congress and you find them at their site. They pay out $1 billion each year for vaccine injury and death of all types.

This year, in my fb groups for chronic disease, I'm seeing a lot of posts about shoulder and upper body paralysis from this year's flu shot batch. Much more than in prior years. This is one of the categories of injury the court pays out for.

If flu is a contributing factor in death, it will be listed on the death cert. Most us jurisdictions list up to 5 causes of death on their certs. Nothing about the cdc makes sense unless you are following the money. I wonder why no one dies in other countries from these annual flus, but Americans are known to be a weak herd. This is why they need 70+ childhood vaccines on the us schedule and very few other countries have more than 20.

I follow obesity as a cause of death. This cause is attributed to somewhere between 400K-800K us deaths per year. The flu deaths you quote seem high to me (can't look now) but they are still a drop in the bucket.

Another good thing to read is the US Agenda 2030 report and especially its predictictions about us de-population. It seems the country is well on its way right now.

Not sure what you mean about flu deaths not occurring in other countries. There are 250,000 to 500,000 (even higher by more recent estimates) deaths each year worldwide from the flu. Most of those are not in the U.S. (

I think I found the report you are talking about ( It indicates that there were less than 3,000 claims (not all of which were compensated) in a decade. That's less than 300 per year and much lower than the annual death rate from the flu in the U.S. The grand total for claims for ALL vaccines was around 5,500 over a decade. Given that there were more than 3.1 billion doses (of all vaccines) given over that timespan, that's an incredibly low number. Those numbers were from 2006-2016. That's also for all claims, not just deaths and I suspect that most are not deaths (though I didn't see that kind of breakdown in the report at a glance).

"Depopulation" in the U.S. (not that population is actually declining at this time but growth is slowing) has much more to do with lower birth rates than anything else. On average, people live much longer today than they did 100 years ago.

Vaccines are not 100% safe. Nothing is. Things designed for safety can kill you (airbags for instance). But on average, they reduce death and injury not increase it. I think the numbers bear that out about as conclusively as they can. Arguing against vaccination is a bit like arguing against the use of seatbelts. It's true that both CAN kill you but it's much more likely that not using them will.

I agree that obesity is a massive problem, largely due to our relatively poor diet. No doubt that also contributes to other diseases like cancer too.

"Polio, a viral infection of the nervous system, can cause crippling paralysis within hours. Significant progress has been made towards eradicating the disease, but it remains a serious threat to children in areas where the wild poliovirus still circulates. The number of cases worldwide dropped from 350,000 in 1988 to under 1,300 in 2004.


Polio is one of the very strange ones. It gets eradicated constantly and keeps coming back. It has odd and not consistent symptoms. Many countries do not use this shot yet have no trouble. This is also the shot that created a secondary illness - not clear on this as my research to this issue was several years ago.

However, there is something up with polio and I would look into it further if I had a kid and was required to give them this one. It's not required in SE Asia and I have not noticed anything about it being a problem here. Maybe they hide their sick people.

"In acute respiratory infections such as diphtheria or pertussis, bacteria can attack the lungs or bronchial tubes, causing chronic coughs, pneumonia and breathing difficulties. Pertussis – also known as whooping cough – kills about 300,000 children a year, while a third respiratory infection, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) pneumonia kills about 500,000."

Those numbers are worldwide or us? Where did they come from? The whooping cough shot is one of the least effective. The flu shot kills more than the flu on an annual basis. These stats are both from the cdc.

let me guess, you're scared of all the dihydrogen monoxide in our pipes?

I'm in Thailand - I do not know what you face where you are but I do not drink tap water in any country.

so the name alone scares you does it

also security is often worse in bottled water, by around a factor of ten.

Not sure what name you refer to. I try not to live in fear regardless.

The water I drink now is as "clean" as I can get and comes from aquifers here. In the states I drank distilled. I will always go for the best source I can find and afford. Here at least the water is not brown nor does it smell bad like it did in California.

first of all and please MEMORIZE IT:

autism is not a DISEASE. get to know some autist people and you will understand what I mean

2nd: there is no need for detox. If a human body was really intoxicated they would be dead in a few minutes.

3rd: before joining unrealistic group medical researchers, as I mentioned please do try to ask FIVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS from doctors.

edit: ASK REAL DOCTORS WITH MORE THAN 20 years of work experience

Doctors get their money from big pharma and so are not the best source. However, many are getting out of the biz since they do not like to cause harm.

or you can ask the doctors that work in third world countries.

The kids look healthy and they rarely get any shots since they are only recommended.

'The kids look healthy and they rarely get any shots since they are only recommended."

"My kids look healthy, they rarely get food because its only recommended"

They only have 7 recommended shots and don't get them. No outbreaks. Hmm... Those Americans must really be weak or ill or something.

"herd im·mu·ni·ty
the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.
"the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent""

I'm going to assume quite a few people get them.

also there are outbreaks in third world countries all the time

"a viral respiratory infection, killed over 500,000 children in 2003, more than any other vaccine-preventable disease. The measles death toll in Africa is so high – every minute one child dies"

so uhhhh, stop being stupid.

Doctors get their money from big pharma and so are not the best source

Maybe in America but that doesn't happen in all countries and doctors ALL OVER THE WORLD say to get your kids immunised.

However, many are getting out of the biz since they do not like to cause harm.

Please provide proof of your comment from a legitimate source.

Here is where you report vaccine injury to the cdc when they happen - your first step to vaccine court. This is the first link on their site since it is so frequently used. Good list of possible symptoms to various vaccines and additives and warnings about certain batches.

Regarding kickbacks to doctors:

US Federal Court for Vaccine Claims
This is why you cannot sue the drug companies and it is a very busy court. Links to the various injuries and whether you are part of a "class" or need to come to court on your own.

Doctors getting out - see you tube for their interviews

"Analysis of 10 studies involving more than 1.2 million children reaffirms that vaccines don’t cause autism; MMR shot may actually decrease risk"

The MMR studies are in Federal Court now as whistleblowers came out from the CDC and talked about the fake studies. Out of the many fake studies - the MMR are most obvious and so are being litigated. Leaked govt documents actually talk about the researchers changing numbers in this particular instance.

It is not only about autism. Go to the CDC site and find all the various illnesses, side effects, and possible reactions. It's written plain as day by your govt. Brain swelling and seizures occur in high rates for some of these shots.

Some of the percentages of harm exceed what is normally tolerated. This is so big pharma can keep making money even though the risks are so high.

"The MMR studies are in Federal Court now as whistleblowers came out from the CDC and talked about the fake studies. "

ironic. The first person to say vaccines caused autism did so through a fake study

side effects: You might get a little sick because this is a live virus, this one is made with egg protein so that we can incubate the virus safety so if you are allergic to eggs you might have a reaction, this one has some Bactria in it so you might get a fever for a day


have you looked up "Analysis of 10 studies involving more than 1.2 million children reaffirms that vaccines don’t cause autism; MMR shot may actually decrease risk"

have you looked up
'Radiation is good for you,' says Ann Coulter as she weighs in on Japan's nuclear crisis
depends who does the study , really doesn't it , but seriously will you take the full schedule of vaccines and put it on youtube , i will pay to see it

vaccines are essentially putting weakened pathogens into your body so you can learn to defend from that specific type. You are exposed to millions everyday, you are just able to fight them off as their symptoms are not as bad.

You are delusional if you think that can cause autism.

"but seriously will you take the full schedule of vaccines and put it on youtube"

What do you mean by that?

i mean i would love to watch you put your money where your mouth is and go and get some vaccines , maybe the ones given to babies up to the age of 5 , surely it would be a walk in the park for you , you could get them all on one visit , then video your self and put it on youtube , you may become famous like the man who ate MacDonald for a month

I did get those vaccines?

Give it up, that isn't an argument

I'm all for recommended vaccines, why not? Everybody should be able to decide for themselves and their children. When it comes to mandatory vaccination, though, I get quite a bit concerned. I don't force you to not vaccinate, don't force me to vaccinate. If you don't understand why, read this:
EDIT: This was not directed at you, fitnfun. Replied to wrong user...

That's ok - I will read anyway. I totally agree with you about the mandate.

Thanks! Good to hear a reasonable voice in this debate... People on both sides tend to get very emotional. In the end it comes all down to how much we choose to live in fear, I guess. May Love cure our fear! Peace

Yes that is true. I only know of this because I went into the fb groups for it a couple of years ago for a research job. I joined a lot of the groups for parents with injured children to get information. I had to leave all of them as it was too heartbreaking for me to get the updates. The parents lose all their support and jobs - friends and family run away.

Then the parents spend their days at hospitals and with lawyers, social workers, and advocates. It's a terrible turn in anyone's life. Some of the groups work on detoxing the stuff out and I think there is hope in that direction, but it's sad it needs to be this way.

Have you heard of vitamin c mega-doses? Some people who are FORCED to vaccinate their children use high vitamin c doses as a form of damage control. Google Dr. Suzanne Humphreys if you are interested.

It's not for me - thankfully I am past that age. But yes, I have heard of high dose C helping many conditions in the various "natural care for illness" groups I'm in. In most cases you have to do it without your doctor, but it seems to help a lot of different issues.

Was not meant for you personally, just in general for people facing forced injections who don't know how to deal with it...