Comfort Zone - A Beautiful Place Where Nothing Grows

in #life7 years ago


What is it? Can you define it?
A psychological state in which a person feels familiar, at ease, in control and experiences low anxiety and stress.

You might have read it online or in books or some of your friends might have told you about it. But do you actually know what it is? Have you ever tried to know?

You are in the comfort zone when you know you have the capability, the strength to achieve something but still the fear of losing stops you!

When you know you can give that speech, talk to that stranger, win that competition, get that job BUT you didn’t. Why? Because you are still in the comfort zone!

People usually say

"Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone"

Have you ever wondered how? When you step out of your comfort zone, your confidence increases. You might feel stressed in the beginning but later on, you will start enjoying it. You will be able to achieve your goals, to live your dreams. Isn’t that sounds amazing?

Now comes the question:

How to leave your comfort zone? How to step out of it?

Double your Goals. Start Thinking Positive and Believe in Yourself.

The fear of losing stops you. But Why? Because you fear of something which is not known! You can’t predict the future. Then why do you worry about it? How do you know you will be losing? You might win!! Instead of thinking and worrying about losing, start working in the right direction. Motivate yourself. Give your best. And don’t worry about the outcomes.

Ask yourself a question, please. Are you less than anyone? Do you think that someone who’s earning more and living a luxurious life has some special powers or anything different from you? Or because he’s graduated from a good college? Or because he’s born rich!?

If your answer is yes, then you are still in the comfort zone! You are not giving your best. You are not making an effort to achieve your goals. You are happy living the mediocre life or you have accepted the mediocrity.


Never underestimate yourself. Not everyone comes out of the comfort zone and live their dreams. Only a few do that. And the rest just admire them! :)