Change of plans

in #life5 years ago

sketch-1549711956971.pngI can feel it's going to snow today. There's something crisp in the air and I can feel the magic of the season is about to be here. It's all so close.

For the past few months, I have spent most of my free time trying to turn a dream into reality with a friend. I really put my soul into this project and realized a little too late that it's never a good idea to put your soul into something and give someone else the ability to take it away. Completely sucks in all honesty, but there is nothing I can do to change the situation. I hope I can brush all of this off and learn the lessons that were presented so I can move forward for myself and my mission.

I want to make a difference. I have been trying to make some sort of positive vibration in the Universe since I was 17 years old. I organized an 'Anti-Discrimination' assembly for my high school and it was amazing. In my early 20's before my chronic pain conditions, I organized community clean ups for a few summers in a row. We made a difference. The past two years, I have been consumed by CRPS- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. There's limited hope for me finding a cure within my lifetime, but I am trying. I am broker than broke and more broken than a bent popsicle stick (I'm poor and physically disabled), but I am trying. I organized the 1st and 2nd Annual Walk to Conquer CRPS where I connected with other amazing warriors and together we raised $2,900 for a team of doctors doing medical research for a new CRPS treatment. We made a difference!

I had hopes that this new project with my soul sister was going to launch into something amazing as well, but everything happens for a reason. I am finding the lessons in this and look forward to the next chapter being written.

I am still working on other things and am planning to share more details in the near future. 1122 feels like a good number, I'll leave it at that :) ❤️

Make today a great day with positive thinking everyone and be kind to your mind ❤️ no matter what challenges you are facing ❤️

Positive thoughts,

-Kristen Sparkle

Day 222/365

Entry 101/183

@ConquerCRPS and @HippieRaysWays on Instagram