
in #life5 years ago

sketch-1549711956971.pngI hope all of my American friends and family members had an amazing Thanksgiving yesterday. We should all be more thankful year round, for the small and little things.

An example: I am thankful that I am Canadian and celebrated my Thanksgiving last month. I lived in America for 6 years and miss it terribly. Normally, thanksgiving is a time for me to feel a little home sick and wish I was in the company of amazing people who are no longer with us. This year though, I am thankful I was not cooking yesterday.

Yesterday morning, it started to rain outside and I was extremely thankful to be working for an American company. I had yesterday scheduled off and was able to clean my house and prepare for Christmas Tree weekend without feeling bad for being home. Around noon, the rain turned to snow and it looked magical outside! I loved it!

Around 2PM, the power went out for me and 26,000 other Nova Scotians. It turned into a "Zombie Apocalypse" outside according to the radio stations. Cars were left on the side of the roads and highways, power was out and the snowy wind was not giving up.

I was just complaining this week to a friend that our weather has been so strange this year. Both here and there.

I shouldn't have complained.

The power stayed out until 1AM and it was fricking freezing in my house!!

I was home alone for the night with candles and the radio, without heat. I can handle no power for days without a problem. I am a nature lover and don't often rely on technology unless I'm working on awareness missions. But the heat...... Oh I need heat.

I have multiple chronic pain conditions, the worse being CRPS-Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. We are supposed to avoid the cold whenever possible because of our nerves. But last night, I was SO cold.

I had 3 pairs of pajama pants on, 3 sweaters, a housecoat, 2 pairs of socks and my slippers. It was warmer, but the tightness of the clothing was also killing my CRPS.

It was one hell of a night.

This is not exactly how I wanted to end Nervember 2019's blogs but the situation is as is. Nervember has been amazing this year. The support and awareness is growing and next year we might be able to paint the world orange in awareness together <3

December is going to be a big month here. It's the ending of this decade and hopefully the beginning of many wonderful things to come. If you are a CRPS warrior and interested in helping with small CRPS awareness related projects- email [email protected] <3

Getting ready for work (full scheduled week, I am so proud), picking up step daughters for the weekend and going to work on a few more crafts in between all the chaos that will be happening here :)

Make today a great day with positive thinking, be kind to your mind and enjoy the warmth <3

Positive thoughts,

-Kristen Sparkle

Day 243/365

Entry 112/183

@ConquerCRPS on Instagram and Gmail My small upcycled shop for now. If you want to make extra money from home for watching videos or taking surveys. It all adds up. If you want to help me on my journey, I appreciate you.