Armor of Elohim Part 7 - The Word of Elohim

in #life4 years ago

The Word of Elohim.
The weapon given to us to defeat the enemy. His Word was there in the beginning and is consistent. We are encouraged to “rightly divide” the word of truth, and we are given one thing with which to do that. It is The Word of Elohim, not Constantine, not Luther, not Calvin, not the pope, not your pastor, and not the mainstream church’s understanding of Paul.

The prophets knew they were not to be believed unless they were speaking in line with the words of our Heavenly Father, which He’d given them.

Balaam even knew he could not speak a curse against Israel, unless given the authority from YHWH.

The enemy tempted Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to sin, and every time was rebutted with words from YHWH as instructed by Moses. When speaking to people, Yeshua (Jesus) only spoke the words of the Father, and thus he spoke with the Father's authority.

The Word of Elohim divides light from darkness both in a physical and spiritual manner. We’re told that it judges the intentions of the heart, as explained and embodied by Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah.

The Word of Elohim can bring blessings and life for those who pay heed and follow, but will bring curses, judgment, and death on those who refuse. To be able to speak our Heavenly Father's Word, we have to first know it. It is the weapon we're given to rightly divide Truth and ward off the enemy.

Are you prepared to wield the Word of Elohim?

Our Heavenly Father's Way is Truth and brings Life.

Your Life Matters!
Choose Truth. Choose Life.

Armor of Elohim 7 - Word of YHWH.png

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