Letter to my Grandfather ❤️
Hey Koro.
I miss you so much everyday but today in particular was a bit harder.
I walked past this little old man after work today and he looked so much like you.
So much so, I was taken aback and had to do a double take.
He was sitting on a park bench so patiently waiting.
What for, I wouldnt know but I hoped he was happy.
I carried on walking as a smile grew over my face.
And then that smile faded and tears started to form.
I kept stopping and looking back at the little old man because to me, It felt like you were here.
I paused in my tracks for a minute and thought about going to ask if I could hug the little old man.
I contemplated in my head though because I’m just a stranger to the little old man.
I didnt want to scare him or make him frightened.
I just wanted to hug you.
I decided to give it a go and make the walk back toward the little old man in hopes that he would help me out.
As I started getting closer I noticed I couldn't see the little old man’s head over the ledge anymore.
I started to worry about the little old man and hoped he was safe and ok.
And then I saw the little old man.
He was hopping into a little grey car with a little old lady.
It was such a bitter sweet moment.
I was disappointed because I couldnt give you a hug but I was happy he was going home with his wife.
I miss you so much Koro, but today its little harder.
I love you ❤️

Aw, babe. What are you doing, making me cry so early in the day?
To quickly change the subject, we've got a South Pacific channel in Discord now, with special NZ rooms. You can check it out and find the link to join here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptonik/grand-announcement-steemit-south-pacific-aus-nz-community-launch-now-on-discord
I had a moment yesterday and wrote this out but only decided this morning to post it ❤️ thanks @kiwideb
And yes, I have heard about that. @ravenruis told me about that on my last post (which is disappointingly months old - havent done much posting in awhile). Will definitely be checking it out 😊