Kennedy = Lincoln? Historical misconception
There are mysterious similarities between the killing of Lincoln and Kennedy

An article has been circulating on the Internet for many years to highlight the mystical parallels between the Lincoln and Kennedy murders. It is therefore worth investigating in more detail whether there are such similarities.
Let's see what the unknown authors of this article say.
"Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to the Congress in 1946." That's true. But there are also differences: Lincoln for two, Kennedy had been representing for six years. Lincoln did not have any office for a long time, but Kennedy was immediately elected as Senator.
"Abraham Lincoln is elected in 1860 to be President - John F. Kennedy is elected in 1960 to be President." This is also true. Since there is an election every four years, it is self-evident that a election of one hundred years after 1860 - but someone can wonder how are round numbers work.
"Both have taken great care of human rights." As the Declaration of Independence emphasizes the importance of human rights, it is natural that all American politicians refer to these. However, Lincoln achieved the liberation of slaves, but Kennedy was not able to vote for a single civil law with the Congress. They were adopted by his successor at Johnson's presidency.
"Both President's wife lost her child while they were in the White House." That's right. But John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and Calvin Coolidge have lost one child in the White House, and many have lost their children before and after the presidency.
Otherwise, Lincoln had four sons, Kennedy's two sons and a daughter, Lincoln lost his 12-year old on before his presidency, and Kennedy lost his 3 days old soon in his presidency.
"Both presidents were shot down on Friday." That's true.
"Both leaders were shot in the head." This is true, though the first bullet that hit the target was passed through Kennedy's neck. Those who want to kill are usually aim for their heads.
"Lincoln's secretary was called Kennedy." That's not true. There were no secretaries at Lincoln's age, this task was carried out by men. The president had two secretaries, John G. Nicolay and John Hay.
"Kennedy's secretary was called Lincoln." Yes, she was Evelyn Lincoln. Lincoln is the name of a city and a county in England, and is a frequent family name.
"The assasins are both from southern state." This depends on interpreting the term "Southern State". John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865), Lincoln killer, was born in Maryland, a slave state, but north of Washington. Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) was born in New Orleans.

"Both presidents were followed by a South Korean president and called Johnson." That's right. Johnson's name is quite common. But let's not forget that two of Adams, Harrison, Roosevelt, and Bush also filled the presidential office! The parties are nominating chairmen and vice presidents from different regions in order to win the votes of the far-away residents.
That is why there is a great chance that if the North President dies, a South Vice President will step in.
"Andrew Johnson, who was Lincoln's successor, was born in 1808, Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy's successor in 1908." That's right. The former was on 29 December and the latter on 27 August.
"John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's killer was born in 1839, Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy's assassin in 1939." It is not true, Booth was born on May 10, 1838.
"Both assassins are known in triple names." Yes, as a significant part of American men.
"Both of them names are 15 letters." This is undeniable.
"Lincoln was killed in the Ford theater. Kennedy's car was a Lincoln manufactured by Ford.
"That's right, but remember, both names are quite common. More than one filmmaker, several filmmakers and an American president were called Ford.
"Lincoln was killed in a theater, the assassin ran away and hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot down from a warehouse, the assassin ran away and then hid in a theater.
"It's not true. Lincoln's killer took off from the scene and left the capital, and after a couple of days he was stranded on a farm and lit a chill. Oswald returned home from the textbook store, and only J. D. Tippit police officer, who was trying to arrest him, was shot dead in a shoe store and then he went into a movie theater where he was captured. Movie theater actually is not a real theater.
"Booth and Oswald have also been the victim of an assassination before the trial." It's not true. Booth resisted the arrest, and the deadly wound in the firefight with the soldiers.
"Lincoln was in Monroe a week before the assassination in Maryland. One week before the murder, Kennedy was with Marilyn Monroe.
"No statement is true. Lincoln did not go to Monroe, this city name is not included in his biographies. Marilyn Monroe died more than a year before the Kennedy murder on August 5, 1962.
As we can see, there are indeed similarities between the two murders that were deliberately magnified and the differences were distracted. Some statements, however, are simply untrue. We want to believe in something which seems true and light. And Honestly we love conspiracy theories.
Bibliografi: Peter Hahner: 100 tortenelmi tevhit.

Very interesting
Thank you Magda! :)
Hey @thetwothomases! I have read about this 9gag, I thought this whole thing is true! Thank you for enlighting me! (Love the last picture) LOL
Hahha thanks! It's a great pic. I feel like this is one of the most common misconception.
Wow so many similarities if you don't read about it feels like it can be the same thing