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in #life5 years ago

People don't move until the pitchfork is on their asses.

You're Next.


We need to use bankroll management in our lives.

The same reason you're the greatest saver on earth with 17$ in your account.

We all need a collective slap.

Understand this, this world is a group effort. Your lack of action is affecting everyone else. There is no free pass on this earth you have no right not to step up not to act. You have no right to be passive and let this world go to shit. You have a got damn obligation to future generations, to your kids, to yourself.

Understand this, if you stand still and hide, the bad will come knocking then eventually come beating until the door is down. There is nowhere you can hide. People have this fucking illusion that nothing bad is going to happen to them. This piss ass mindset has allowed evil to rise to power repeatedly.

What pisses me off the most is the same people that don't step up now will be the same people crying for help later.

People think having money automatically makes you an expert in whatever the fuck you want to be. People listen to people who make money. You see, the truth is no one has the answers, there are blueprints on how to get rich, but you don't have the same tools of the person that wrote that blueprint.

When someone tells you how they got rich it is written according to their playbook, what tools they used. Humans are vastly different, even twins. Everyone has a blueprint, but the secret is they must create it.

There is no money in telling you to figure it out. Don't mistake inspiration in other stories as the path needed. If gurus really knew the answers, then why are so many lost? What really makes you lost is traveling someone else's path just to end up in a place you're not built for nor care to be a part of.

The whole point of life is figuring it out. Not to be a follower. And no one ever became a leader by walking on eggshells. The truth is becoming financially successful takes a lot of luck, whether the gurus want to admit it or not. I am very fucking lucky, and I thank my lucky stars all the time that I am where I am. I know for a fact I didn’t get here alone, there was a lot of serendipity along the way. YOU WON'T GET THAT SERENDITPY COPYING OTHER PEOPLE!

Life is like swimming, well success. I'm not kidding, just like swimming. One of the issues I had was going under and forgetting to come up for air for an unreasonable amount of time. You see, you don't want to just come up for air when you need it when it starts to hurt... no, you want to come up well before that.

What is coming up for air in the business world? Reaccess your connections, where you are and what you built. With this information, you can connect the dots on where you are going. Very important.

Some people have a hard time thriving because they aren’t in the right position. I have a snake plant that almost died because I hadn’t repotted it and it had just been sitting in my window. As soon as I put it into a decent pot and started watering it, it started to rise up.


lol - nice one buddy. As a useless German shitpost follower please elaborate.

Is that a motivational post or simply a rant? At least it made me smile - agree to most of the message in here though.

Both. Was an older piece I never published and I came across it, dusted it off and loved the message so I hit post. Cheers for the smile! :)

Buddy, please add me on Discord - thx for your support today on a certain issue

Life has a way of putting that pitchfork under your ass eventually. Then you learn how easy it was all along, it just takes some inertia, and we aren't usually very good at building inertia without a bit of a push.

I just try to make every day better than the last, and every month better than the last. And I don't need to worry too much about people who don't get it yet. the more awesome I am, the more likely it will push them to get their shit together :-D

This is basically what I've been doing to an extent since the beginning of the year, Getting off my arse and making an effort to get on top of my depression and mental issues. It's fighting back every minute of every day but it's still going at it.

Some people have a hard time thriving because they aren’t in the right position. I have a snake plant that almost died because I hadn’t repotted it and it had just been sitting in my window. As soon as I put it into a decent pot and started watering it, it started to rise up.

Completely agree with these words. If i talk about my Steem journey it's similarly like this. My daily engagement help me to raise up slowly but definitely.

Amazing inspiration here my friend.
22 of the richest guys in the world holds more money than all of the women on the African continent. (Latest Oxfam report)
Crypto can indeed be a way out for them and let's hope that the new #steemsa will start to make inroads to draw them to steemit.

On another note, lethargy, comfort and short-cuts seems to be the order of the day and you are right about copying other people, as we each have our own roads to walk, or to crawl in. It all depends on ones focus, but if there is no inspiration and will then the club of the lost will continue to grow.

I am not ashamed to say that I do the charity walk and that my inspiration is to help as many of the poor as I can to improve their lives via education and empowerment. But there will always be the ones that just do not want to be helped and it's debilitating.
Nevertheless, we do what we can.

All of the best to your efforts to wake people up and let's hope that your efforts will bear much fruit.

Great inspirations you shared. It is pitiful that many want to stand out in life but are not ready to make a complementary action, sometimes, due to a wrong web of friends around.

It would be great if we all assess and reassess our company to know the direction we're heading. We ought to stay within where we're motivated.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very well said. It reminds me of people looking for the next get rich quick scheme or the belief that one can make a living by day trading because they have seen and heard others who were successful.

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome post. Congrats for the fact that you offer us so much value with your educational content!
There are a lot of motivational ideas and motivational music, and

  • What can we say about motivation?
  • What's the difference between motivation and the illusion of motivation?

We all need a collective slap.

I was going to say something about this, but the snake plant part distracted me. I did the very same with my snake plant (I actually killed one) and you've just reminded me it's due for repotting. It's done so well, I should be able to split it and replace the one I killed.