Pyramid Schemes | Thought Sandwich

in #life7 years ago


There are so many get rich quick schemes out there, it’s hard to pick which one is the most disgusting.
But selling people things that make them ‘’healthier’’ is probably at the top of that list.

No wait, that spot goes to people pretending to speak the dead, so that they can scam grieving people out of their money.

But still, selling magic weight-loss pills, detox powders and countless supplements that do all sorts of wonderful things that our bodies already perform on their own…
That’s gotta be one of the worst.

The only people that ever win in these ‘’multi-layer marketing’’ projects are the ones that came up with them and the people who are willing to lie more than they breathe, while being so pushy it basically becomes harassment.
And the only reason that they manage to sell these products to anyone is because of the overwhelming lack of education in that area.

Most people don’t know that there’s only a certain amount of each vitamin our bodies can absorb and that overdosing on vitamins can have significant negative consequences.
And until we fix this problem there are always going to be people willing to lie through their teeth, convinced that this isn’t a scam and eventually they’re gonna get rich!

If our school systems across the world don’t include this topic, then it’s our duty to educate ourselves.
It’s easy to seem like an expert to someone who knows nothing on the topic about which they’re being lied to.

My dad has been part of more ‘’not scams’’ than I can count and not a single one of them worked out.
I wonder why?

Maybe it’s because they were all designed by greedy little parasites who don’t care about what they do to other people, as long as the empty void in their lives gets filled with more money.

Or maybe he just didn’t try hard enough.

We’ll never know.

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Love, Thought Sandwich



Ive been in a couple of these companies you speak of...the best thing that i can say about them is the quality of people involved in the ones I was in were some of the best I have ever met.
The overall concept makes sense on paper but to pull it off you need lots of skills which most people dont possess and it takes years to develop!
I dont call them scams anymore because scams get shut down and the companies I joined are still in business and are still growing to this day.
Its an interesting field and the ones that truly make it a career have got to do a tremendous amount of work on themselves and their businesses to make it happen.
I wouldn't be the person I am today without some of the skills I learned while in the MLM industry.
Good post thanks for sharing!