Do you have a "someday list?" (Free Meal Plan Download)

in #life • 7 years ago (edited)

Hey you 😌

It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. You don’t write, you don’t call, you don’t text. Lol.

Actually, it’s totally my fault. I’ve been traveling lately.

However, it’s given me time to read a several books, mostly non-fiction, including one a close friend shared with me, 84 Charing Cross Road.

It’s a timeless story and touches on a deeper topic, one of our favorite words, “someday."

In my opinion it's procrastination disguised in good intentions.

The thing is, time, our most valuable asset, flies by, in case you haven’t noticed 😉.

Before I go any further, I want you to know I’ve got a free giveaway for you. It’s a new meal plan I’ve just created and want to share.

It's like an easy button, but for healthy eating, with tons of truly amazing tasty meals for you to discover that are majority gluten free, no sugar added, dairy free, and vegetarian.

I’d like to share a bit of motivation first before you jump to the download link.

IF “someday” is a regular part of your vocabulary, you may notice opportunities are fewer and fewer as you grow older.

Or you may even blame others for your lack of experiences.

It's ok, we all do it. However, it's important to be aware of it.

Think about the sub-communication of saying "someday You'll..."

  • Get six pack abs and a bodacious booty.
  • Visit a far away friend or family member.
  • Do that crazy thing on your bucket list.
  • Save a million for retirement.
  • Write and publish a book.
  • Start a side hustle and have passive income.

Maybe you've accomplished some of these things, or maybe you're waiting for "someday."

Let me ask a couple of important questions.

  1. Do you have a list of unaccomplished “someday” goals?

Unless you start taking action now,

  1. Do you think you'll end up living with regret?

Take a second, look away from your screen and answer those 2 questions. I’ll wait.

Here’s an exercise I recommend to help gain a little clarity and motivation.

  1. For 15 minutes, turn your phone off.

  2. Writing down 15 items on your “someday list.”

  3. Next, circle the top 5 items that you cannot live without.

  4. Then cross out the other 10 and forget them.

  5. Make a plan and for the next 3 years spend all of your effort on the 5 items you’ve circled.

Each day, once work is finished, family is fed a healthy meal, you’ve been to the gym, worked on a hobby, etc…

Then focus on these 5 things, nothing else should matter.

NOT Game of Thrones, Call of Duty,

consuming other people’s social media posts,

getting sucked into the “news” that airs every day on your go-to (bad) news station,

losing an hour watching videos of cute fuzzy whatevers…

Those cute fuzzy whatevers are actually time vampires. 🦇

Your throne is the legacy you leave behind,

your duty is making your life the greatest inspiration this world has ever seen,

and living an example by getting into the best shape of your life,

writing that book you've been putting off,

traveling more, or starting an online business.

When others see you do it, they’ll see that they can too.

With that, I'd like to introduce you to the new Forever 29 Meal Plan.
It's 100% FREE

Perhaps one of your "someday" items IS getting healthy and helping your family become more healthy. that you can spend more time together and have the time and ability to accomplish your other "someday" goals.

If you think about it, it's the most important out of any other goal you could possibly have.

I believe this meal plan will help with that.

Just think, when you eat cleaner:

  • Your mind is sharper.
  • Your emotions are more grounded.
  • The action you’re able to take is more effective.
  • You’re able to get more small wins in your life that will compound into bigger wins.

It's like magic. 🔮🐇🎩🦄🐉🍀🌈

The new meal plan is easy to follow, nutritious, and most of the recipes are quick to prepare.

You’ll have amazing results:

  • Weight loss
  • More energy and motivation
  • Positive DNA expression
  • Disease prevention
  • Better mood
  • Quicker recovery from injury
  • The list goes on!

Click to download the 7 Day Meal Plan ebook below! 🍎

healthy recipes

I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Talk soon in the next issue of "Nutrition Advice Weekly."

Bye for now and have fun conquering your day! 🙂

Talk Soon. --Tim

shared from my nutrition blog,