You Are Part of the Story

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I got a voicemail yesterday from a mysterious number. There it was, patiently waiting for me after a long day at work.

Hey this is (name) . I came into the pregnancy clinic about over a year now, 18 months ago. And I, um, was up in your area and passing by and wanted to say hi and let you know that there is a beautiful 9-month-old baby girl so we clearly decided to go on with the pregnancy. And I have you to thank for that. So, I wanted to say hi, hope you remember me, hope you had a very happy holiday. Talk to you soon.

I remembered her.

I’m getting older and the rumors are all true. Our memories dull with age. But God has been so wonderfully gracious to enable me to vividly recall certain people. And some are the scared, confused young women who walk through the doors of the ministry I work contemplating a heartbreaking decision that will change them forever. To abort their baby or not. And after loving and supporting her through one of the most difficult times she will ever face, she often chooses life. And the best part of my job is when I get to meet a precious little life that maybe wouldn’t be here otherwise.

So, early this morning I thought I had more time. And I almost cried when I rolled over with a silly grin on my face thinking I had another couple of hours to sleep when, with a one-eyed-glance, I realized I only had another 29 seconds before my alarm began hollering at me.

I groan. It’s freezing out, I think the weather guy even giggled like a school girl last night as he warned us to bundle up in the AM. Don’t you know how much I just want to stay in bed, just a little longer?

BUT I don’t.


There’s work to be done. And it's a privilege.

We are a part of the story.

Not because we’re good. We're not.

Not because we love so well. We don’t.

And definitely not in our own strength. But HIS.

I hope today you have the strength to find someone to love.

Maybe (and hopefully) someone who doesn’t even deserve it.

Our Father is so good to do that for us.

Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. -Isaiah 40:30-31


Thank you for reminding me that the love we show to others in our lives matters, and in many cases is life-altering or saving.

I thank God along with you for that great good news about the influence you had on that young woman. And thank you for sharing the blessing and encouragement with us all today. :D



Seriously, as far as steemit goes, I count you as one of my BESTIES, @creatr. Thanks for your sweet words and your generous upvote.