Eliminating poverty 1.

in #life7 years ago

George Orwell said "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than the others".There is a saying in my community "All fingers are not equal " but really you don't want your finger to be the shortest.

The society has not always been so balanced .The rich keeps getting richer and the poor becoming poorer.Its survival of the fittest which really means that the weak should fizzle out .

There so much inequality,and the victims of this are mainly the developing countries or third world countries.They are so poor yet sitting on enormous resources.

More than 1.3billion people live in extreme poverty they survive on less than $1.25 a day(www.dosomething .org). Mostly Africans and some Asians countries.


It's a state of being poor.Poverty is the Scarcity or the lack of certain amount of material possessions or money.Poverty is a multifaceted concept which may include social,economic and political elements(Wikipedia).

A lot of effort has been made to alleviate poverty but while Asian countries are drastically reducing poverty,African countries are regressing.

Let's try to have a mental picture of what happens to a child born in a Poor country.

little or no food everyday (malnutrition)how do feel being hungry for 12hours?
(Image from pearlsofprofundity.com).image.jpg(image from sweetjourneyhome.com)
or Do you prefer to feed well ?image.jpg(image from quota.com).

Poor or no adequate health facility
Image from www.humaoshere.org.

Poor access to water
Image from sniff and flehmen.turnblr.com

high crime rate.

In Africa it is traumatic to think of the extent to which poverty has eaten into its fabrics.

It won't be an understatement to say Poverty resides in Africa yet Africa can be a blessing to the world.

So much inequality ...

Inequality is not just bad for justice ,it's also bad for economic efficiency
(Growth with equity is good for the poor-oxfam,June 2000).

The poorest of the poor around the world,have the worst health.Those at the bottom of the distribution of global wealth ,those marginalized and excluded within countries,and countries themselves disadvantaged by historical exploitation and persistent inequity in global institutions of power and policy-making present an urgent moral and practical focus for action.But focusing on those with the least,on the 'gap' between the poorest and the rest is only a partial response.

...In rich countries,low socioeconomic position means poor education lack of amenities,unemployment and job insecurity,poor working conditions and unsafe neighborhoods with their consequent impact on family life.
(Closing the gap in a generation;health equity through action on the social determinants of health-commission on social determinants of health,world health organization August 28,2008 page 31).

Life is supposed to be lived freely in peace and not in anxiety of what to eat ,drink and where to sleep in some cases.

The truth is if poverty can be reduced or eliminated it is for the good of the world in long run.

It's up to you and I to contribute our quota to reducing poverty in the world.


Wellsaid.. we need to do our best in our own little ways to put an end to poverty . Thanks for sharing
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Thanks ponmile

20% controls 80% of the resources while 80% scrambles with the 20% and it is really disheartening. Poverty is borne out from selfishness.

If we care enough, share enough, the world will have enough. The world have enough of our needs but never enough for our greed.

Good post bro. Nice one. More of it.