Finally peace of mind - Accept Your Life As It IS - It Never Stops 🛑 You Want More

in #life7 years ago

It never stops. You want more. You want better. You want it differently. And in the meantime you feel continuously unhappy. Let's do that differently.

Happiness is always just around the corner

Then I lie there. In the sun in the garden. Everything nice, everything good. But a thought gnaws. I am not fully enjoying the fantastic moment. I am thinking:

"If I go on a trip to a sunny country, I can lie in the sun every day. Yes. That's what I need. I have to travel. "

And then there is an annoying feeling .

I think that I should be traveling. Under the same sun in a different place. But I am in my garden .

That is not true. And the difference between what I think 'should', and that which makes me restless. Not at ease. Even stressed.

And that is madness .

And when I remind myself of it, it happily ends quickly. But it was not always that way. I could take this kind of feeling into my day. Or my week. And I always feel a little dissatisfied .

Always feeling that life is not right as it is. That I am not good as I am. That things have to change before I can be happy .

That does not work. Not even for a meter. Happiness is always just around the corner. Just out of reach.

You do not need anything

Almost nothing. Because happiness usually does not need any changes. At least - not in the outside world. What it needs is the simple realization that everything is right as it is now . That you are good now as you are now .

That nothing has to change .

No tasks need to be checked. No new sofa sets have to be installed. You do not even have to lose five kilos.

No. What you need is just that realization. That acceptance of everything that is. The moment when you simply decide that you do not have to change anything . That you can be happy here and now.

And then just be. Just being happy. Here and now.

If you are not right now - when?

It never stops. If you can not be happy now, you can never be. This moment is just as good as any other moment.

Yes - the circumstances will change. And sometimes things happen that you find desirable, and you find it easier to feel happy.

Yet. If you are in the habit of postponing happiness until the outside world meets all your conditions - then you will always postpone happiness . Because the world never fully meets your conditions. And if it succeeds - then not for long.

And so luck always remains around the corner.

Happiness is the basis

Exactly. You turn it around. You want to change things in the outside world and then become happy. But it does not work like that .

Conversely, it works much better. You feel happy . And from that happy base you can create change in the outside world with passion and love, if you wish. Because you realize very strongly that this change is not necessary to be happy. Because you've already learned to be happy anyway.

Accept your life

From head to toe. Accept your life right now and accept yourself as you are now.

That is not to say that you never want to change anything again. But you realize very clearly that this is what it is . That it is not different at the moment. And you do not have to be different.

I am lying in the sun in my garden. I am not traveling. That is an observation. And by simply observing and accepting this fact, it becomes calm. Then I can calm down.

The desires stop. I am where I am. It is as it is, fine. The thoughts stop rattling - and I experience peace of mind . An intense sense of calm.

Give it a try. Observe your reality. Observe that which is . And accept it full of surrender. You are where you are. You do what you do. You are not all other things. You do not do that. And that's fine.

You do not have to change anything, you can be ordinary. Relax. And finally experience peace in your head. Simple and so tasty.

Follow @tonyfanclub



This reminded me of a wonderful quote from Byron Katie:

All suffering is confusion.
Confusion is to resist what is.
If you are perfectly clear, what is what you want is there.
So if you want something different than what is there.
you can know that you are confused.