When you know you should do something but don’t want to.

in #life5 years ago

Where would you be if you didn’t procrastinate?
What are some tasks you are avoiding right now?

This article will help you understand you and your procrastination more, so you can move past it.

Is procrastination BAD?
No. It’s a good idea not to judge the behaviour.
Making ourselves wrong about it, helps no-one.

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Why it’s important to understand our procrastination.

Procrastination creates an internal conflict. This internal conflict takes away from vital life force energy. So if you can clear up the procrastination, it will leave you feeling more energised.

In order to move past procrastination and free up this vital life energy, we have to understand what’s happening internally. Try this:

List one thing in your life you are procrastinating on right now.

Notice any self talk / what are you saying to yourself as you think of this.

How do you feel in your body? What sensations arise?

Whatever they are, they are most likely uncomfortable - that’s the whole reason you’ve been avoiding this!

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One of the keys of moving past procrastination is to be okay with feeling the discomfort.

Being okay with hearing what your inner critic has to say about the situation. Perhaps it’s something you’ve been avoiding for so long now that it’s reached an urgent panicked status.

The next step is to ask:
If you WERE to take the first step on this tasks, what would that be?
What would you need to do next?

Mentally walk through what that would look like. See yourself taking action in your minds eye.

Write down the action steps you’d need to take.

How long would each action step take? Write an estimated time frame beside each one.

I find the act of doing this, dissipates a large proportion of the resistance.

You could even say to yourself: I’ll start tomorrow but for today I’ll write out my plan for how I’m going to tackle this.

It helps clear the fog in your mind for the HOW TO, which is actually a defence we use with procrastination.
It’s easier to postpone something if we are confused and don’t even know how or where to start.


I hope this has provided some inspiration and motivation to tackle that task you’ve been avoiding for so long.
Just think of how fabulous it will feel when you complete it and can put your feet up and congratulate yourself.

[image credits: canva]
For specialist 1:1 coaching on this topic please email me at [email protected] to schedule your complimentary consult.

I still procrastinate. Most of my procrastination is because I don't think what I will do will be any good. But, I know to get stuff done you have take the first step, so I'm better than before

Posted using Partiko Android

The first step is the hardest!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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This is so helpful! I am a huge procrastinator at times. I frequently ask myself this same question.

" If you WERE to take the first step on this tasks, what would that be? What would you need to do next?

I have bookmarked this post so I can use it again and again lol

I try to create a list every day to get through my tasks but there are plenty of times I procrastinate and I’m so aware of it an internal fight goes on about it!

I will try to clear the fog and I think that accepting the discomfort will really help me push through and find the enjoyment of a job well done

Posted using Partiko iOS

awesome @chekohler
so glad it was helpful for you

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