Uncertainty, death in the family, and a plea for help.

in #life7 years ago


Hello, treewalker here. it has been a long time since my last post. I have been struggling with life as each blow has been dealt lower and each cut has dug deeper. Life never really promises prosperity and the only thing that is certain is death.

On July, 13th 2017 my mother died in her sleep leaving our family torn apart and heartbroken, I sobbed over her as I contemplated my own views on life and existence, calculating mistakes i have made along the way and remembering the advice my mother had given me in the past and how I may have taken it for granite.

Before my mother died we were struggling very hard to get the bills payed and keep our family together which was ever harder with the death of my grandfather on Christmas of 2016, ever since he died I could feel the decaying of emotion in this household and the fragile state of heartbreak just about to step over the edge of giving up. My mother left this world and my stepfather is left with the responsibility of paying the bills and the cost of her cremation.

I am in the process of relocating as I am expecting to become a father, my girlfriend Jessica s 3 months pregnant but we need a lot of help, I may not be staying with my stepdad but I feel some responsibility lies on me to help some of the cost, he had just enough money to pay the car insurance and the phone and internet bill is $200, currently he has $30 dollars to his name and I am desperately trying to find out what I am going to do because I have no idea what I need to do as a father to get ALL the help we need and my girlfriend and I am going to have to move from the temporary living arrangement that we currently occupy.

I thought about powering down but that would take too long, there is a Gofundme account for my mothers cremation and funeral costs but there is very little in the account as contributions have been sparce (https://www.gofundme.com/KarenLynPerryFinalcosts). This is gonna be one hell of an adventure but family must live on.


So sorry fir your losses. I will hold you in my prayers. Congratulations on expecting! That is exciting news! Best of luck! Hold your head high, always keep mom's wisdom close and move forward honoring your family members in all that

Thank you.

I am soo sorry to hear about your losses.My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I hope you come out of all your difficulties soon....May god bless you and your family!!!!!

It is okay, she is not suffering anymore, she suffered a lot... In a way I am relieved that she is gone, it was so heart breaking to see her in that much pain. The hardest part about dealing with her death is contemplating the great unknown infinite void that we, in the flesh, cannot see.

Damn, dude. The plight is real as is the struggle. I can relate. Poverty is a monster and it isn't easy to break out of if you were born into it.

You can get more active on Steem and people will definitely help you out, you just have to contribute and it will be rewarded. I can definitely follow you around and disperse some rewards to you because I know you personally and know for a fact that you genuinely need it right now. Once the post(s) pay out, talk to me and Rob and we'll help you turn your SBD into cash to help with the cremation.

Think back on your mom's advice and take that to the chest, absorb it, and live it. Let that sink in. You have one shot in life and it's up to you to make it count. There's a world out there, make it yours.

Death is a part of life. It is hard to understand and even harder to adjust to. Just take what you've got, let that make you a stronger person, and make a difference in the future. Life is short, cherish it and those around you.

Thank you Matt, it is just difficult to figure everything out, i will move on with my life but right now life is getting harder. the cremation bill right now is not as important as getting the other bills payed, there are so many variables to figure out... life and death and a little bit of chaos and uncertainty. it turns my stomach sometimes.

That's so sad to hear man, I remember my grand mother passed away couple of years ago and it was so hard for the whole family. Especially me, as I was super close to her. I can imagine how hard it must be for you. I would like to help you for the cremation. After the payout let me also know on discord. You can DM me. I would contribute with how much ever I can at that time. Please stay strong, and remember this time will also pass and things would be better soon.

Really sorry to hear about your losses this past year, man. That is definitely rough and you have my condolences. I'm not doing much better money wise so I can't help out with donating, but I upvoted and I'll resteem the post. Definitely get more active on here as much as you can and I'm sure you'll be able to get some help, bro.

I really wish you luck with everything and hope you and your family get through this and that things get better for you, man.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my dad a long time ago and my mom in '99. I know the feeling of loss and discouragement,but you'll be okay. You guys can't give up hope. Hold on to what you do have, it'll get better. Hell, this is the first time in a week I've been able to walk and get out of my bed. I upvoted and resteemed. Wish I could do more. Keep your head up and don't lose hope!

I really do think and hope we as a community can help you. I dont know how long it takes for a post to pay out but this could be a good place to begin amassing the money you need.
I cant speak for myself but i know lots of people have made alot of money on crypto lately and might be able to send you some btc, i'm willing to send some (just a small donation).
I recommend you setting up Bitquick and maybe giving me that BTC address, so theres only 1 transaction fee.
A lot of people will be weary and a lot will just be greedy and more others will need the money themselves, anyone can just come out and make up a story to ask for money ofcourse , but im willing to believe you.

Unfortunately i'm from Romania and i don't have a good situation in terms on money so i can't afford gofundme.com :( i gave you my upvote, i don't have to much steem power and i can't select how much power to invest in upvotes, i think you can do that at 50 or 60 rep, but i hope i helped...take care bro

Hindsight: Arrange to donate body to science (university) before you die and save costs.

How much is the cremation bill? This is a price I've never heard. I know a recent funeral cost $20,000 for a coffin, burial plot & funeral service.

Often people are very reluctant to talking about this matter ahead of time which puts the advantage in the court of the funeral director.

In my earlier days I decided that I wanted to have a life-sized cardboard cutout of me at my funeral service so people could get a picture with me one last time. I ran for public office 6 times until I became convinced that anarchy is the true way.

Oh, and you might research A4V (Accepted for Value). This is a way to write a banker's style endorsement on the bill you receive and send it to the US Treasury so they assume the debt on your behalf. It's the result of US House Joint Resolution 192 from 1933 when Roosevelt ordered people to sell their gold to the government cheap, then devalued the currency. People had to have a remedy to pay off their debts. Probably wouldn't work with a funeral bill but might work with tax bills, court fines, bills, etc...

Lastly, there is a way to cancel loans. Recission is the word. A particular type in the US under the truth in lending law. I'll do a video about it and steem it out. I actually got TransUnion to remove my foreclosure from my credit report by showing that I had rescinded the loan before the foreclosure completed which voids the loan, requires the bank to give you back all of your payments, convey the deed of the house back to you. The bank's only recourse is to sue within 20 days to invalidate your rescission. The banks can't prove they loaned you the money because there is no source for the funds (called table funding) so they don't counter sue. Now this rarely gets you anywhere because the judges are messed up in the head and think that banks have standing in a court of law and perhaps don't realize that banks invent the credit they lend for every loan they issue.

But doing this with Transunion bounced my credit rating up dramatically, up about 40 points in one month. The other credit rating agencies didn't follow suit though.

You are correct, Joe. Most people do not now that the US is a corporation, and that is why your name is spelled in all capitol letters on your birth certificate and drivers license. One piece of advice I always give people is to know where a stream or river is and buy and use a cast net and fishing gear. Also get some tools and know how to use them. being able to fix your own car and repair things for others is an easy way to make quick cash. Having a quality voltmeter is a good thing too, for troubleshooting electrical problems, and keep your tools safe and protected and never ever pawn or sell them.

Don't know where you live, but there should be some WIC programs available to help during the pregnancy (WIC requirements).

Upvoted and resteemed. Hopefully the intention will help a little.