in #life6 years ago



I would like you to take a moment to take a step back and reflect on your life where exactly are you have you achieve your dreams do you know exactly what your dreams are are you any closer to achieving your dreams now than when you first began to desire them what's the real secret you must invest in yourself switch off the world around you for the movement take a step back and absorbed everything you are back to read start your journey of success and achievement now forget everything which you believe is limiting you when you learn the simple methods you
simply cannot fail it is your right to be successful, to begin with, you must Discover and determine what success means to you I am about to show you how to begin your journey by making a personal and helping you find the deep desire to succeed having a dream is fundamental to success it is what will drive you and keep you focused when you are confronted with orbs girls very often when we are not committed to something it tends to get pushed to the back of our mind things will find a way of making you straight from your goals and aspirations why because we are only human and life is unpredictable committing to a goal and see it true not only bring success but also a feeling of well-being and great achievement doing so even when it seems that the world is conspiring against you is what makes you great if you read biographies of the people you admire you will notice the pattern emerging successful

People do not leave anything to say they make a decision to achieve something then we follow their dreams letting go of a rolling over everything that prevent them from doing so that out with the gold and then we do it without question and with the mindset that failure is not an option one thing you need to bear in mind that success is not measured in money it is measured in achievement when you set out to do something and then do it that it is success this is the first and last thing which you need to consider when undertaking any Tower successful scurried what is even better is that it doesn't need to be a huge achievement you can start small and allow your successes to accumulate one by one and two your goals and dreams are realized it is my personal beliefs that almost everyone has the potential to succeed and that in all but the rarest cases feeling is a personal choice as far as ultimate Failure is concerned it is only possible to feel if you have stopped trying unless you have given up you are still doing what you have set out to achieve and therefore still on the journey to success in effect you only ultimately failed if you give up and this is the choice we make this is also true for those who don't pick and in the first place falling at the first heard you and not taking any action at all this is failure because you have decided you want to do something and not even begin obstacles will appear on your part it how you deal with it obstacles that determines whether you succeed or fail whether you are a successful person or an unsuccessful person it is the single lesson which was determine the rest of your life career and any other Pursuit you on the take so many people have overcome difficult obstacles why not adopt this attitude who am I to give up when people in for more difficult circumstances stripe on word that starts with the decision I am going to and then continues with action apparently you have already made a decision that you want to learn how to succeed beware success is addictive once you have had your taste of it you want more by taking action and striving to achieve something you will find that opportunity is come your way and obstacles of any size can be overcome

If you just keep moving one of the main reasons that they give up and ultimately failed is that they do not have a definite purpose because has no context many people picker goal and blindly him for it it's ridiculous one of the boys are teaching in NLP is that why doesn't matter who yes it does if you think why doesn't matter I assure you that you will ultimately failed think about period you do need to decide why you want to pursue that goal this is what will motivate and keep you focused let me give you two examples John said I am going to earn the million dollars this year they said I am going to earn a million dollars this year because I want to use some of that money for my children help out my family free up my time and take off the pressures of everyday life so that I can spend more time doing the things that I want to do is it obvious which is more powerful is it obvious which is more likely to succeed which one do you think is going to be more motivated to overcome clear in definite purpose if yes you only both came up against the same obstacles what would differentiate John and Sera Sera koodatha self I am I going to let this obstacle get in the way of my dream is this obstacle going to drop me off my freedom and drop my children of the security the clear and definite purpose for achieving your goal is essential to your success if you set a goal decide on the Purple choose something that is important to you that hire calling needs to be the most important thing in the world to ensure

Your success pick something that is really important to you make success your only option take some time to write down some things about your desires life has a habit of making them seem less important eventually we get into the habit of submitting to life every whim and existing instead of living by allowing life 2 controllers will lose control by taking the step back to take stock of our goals we can regain that control and focus on what is really important to us what is your dreams I want you to write down as many things as you can they can be as big as small as you like financial freedom thing on the slopes is an exclusive report feeling your own it in the Caribbean spending more time with the people who are important to you don't discriminate between the ideas yet just write down anything you've ever wanted to do know which of these really burns into your heart with single one of these is going to make you feel that feel really good about yourself which will bring you the most happiness spend some time imagining doing each of them and let your feelings guide you on this how much will it cost to fulfill your dream this is an important piece of research you will have to do find out exactly how much it will cost because this will form part of your plan you will need to earn your dream by knowing exactly how much it will cost to full fill your dream you can easily check your progress and how far you have left to go what would you do to get there next up right down the things you would do to achieve this dream don't just write anything it takes this is an specific and will not call you into action for example are you prepared to work extra overtime sacrifice a few of the trip to pay extra for are you prepared to start a small part time business are you prepared to spend some of your time working towards it are you prepared to sell some of your neck neck and possessions to help from the venture these are suggesting that can be used on your list if you can't populate your list with at least 5 to 10 things which you would do to achieve your dream I suggest you pick another one because that dream is into one you ultimately see yourself doing when you have a burning desire to fulfill our dreams you will do anything it take so we can write down all the things you could I would possibly do to put in the position you desire why do you want it think of the emotions it brings with it imagine yourself sometime in the future you put your dream and you there experiencing it right now what does it look like what does it sound like what does it smell like what does it taste like what does it feel like when I think about my number one dream

I get she was huge surgeries of energy what does your dream mean to you write down all the feelings that come with the dream when do you want it I suppose you really want that dream to be your present life experience yes ok the next thing I want you to do is to write down the following statement in a way that is specific to your own dreams I am going to turn the necessary money and do the necessary things because I am going to achieve my dream I am going to achieve this frame because it is the most important thing to me for the following reasons right a reason Kiya I want it now every day I am not on the path to achieving my dreams is another day I am postponing it so I am going to take action now if it seems impossible to achieve you need to consider the this statement when someone says it can't be done someone else is at 8 proving them wrong it takes effort to achieve your dreams but when you are there would you look back and regret what you did to make it happen I would you enjoy what you thought thankful for your determination take 5 minutes out of each day to visualize and totally immerse yourself in your ideal situation experience that dream as if it was real now imagine yourself driving down the road towards your destination your destination is your dream you are Halfway there when your car breaks down do you work towards your dream job at home what does it take to be a successful person they have a dream you must have a dream a definite Pur is the fundamental factor of success it is what drives you when you are faced with obstacles it's what tells you that you can make it when others say you can't they have a plan the plan is your road map to success it takes you from where you are now to where you want to be I hate cliché but this one is true when you fail to plan you plan to fail if the dream is the foundation then the plan is the architect drawing the how to step by step instructions as to how you will achieve your dreams are willing to work hard successful people don't always need to work hard but the keyword is willing they do what it takes to make their dreams come true as a purse to those who will simply give up when it is too much effort when you work hard at doing something the end result is always that much more enjoyable day don't take no for an answer nobody has any right to stop you from achieving your dreams successful achievers are focused by concentrating on the goals and objectives

You will find that you achieve more you won't get sidetracked and you won't procrastinate by focusing you will be able to do things effectively and be highly productive achievers get things done Too Sexy pic action and you need to do what it takes when you don't know how to do what it takes you must learn how to do it expanding your knowledge base is essential in achievement when you do know how to do something you do it and then move on to the next thing never waste time you are only telling your enjoyment of your own dream achievers don't make excuses successful people make decisions when you make a decision follow it if it doesn't work out learn from it don't put of making decisions for fear of making a wrong one achievers learn from your mistakes mistakes or something learn from if you make a mistake correct it then move on it was a passionate when you are passionate about something you will find that people respond positively to you opportunities will be presented to you and you will be ready to receive them who would you rather be around someone who is excited or someone who is not motivated successful people are personable be friendly learn how to read and influence people when you are someone who are the people want to be around when people want to help you you will find that you will succeed much faster everybody needs help to succeed simply by being a nice person you will find that others are far more likely to offer the help and support nobody wants to see you feel if you are a nice person help others and they will help you.