Overwhelming Feelings!

in #life4 years ago


So many, Overwhelming feelings have been plaguing me these last few days. No matter what we believe, about all that is going on right now, we have no idea how it is all going to pan out.

Quarantine just continues to be extended and we are seeing a huge divide amongst people. So many people are living in fear and spreading that fear on to others.

I find it hard to share my opinions and views now, because so many seem to take offence to what I have to say. I have always been someone that likes to come to my own conclusion about things. I do not accept what the media says, unless i have done my own research and it is in agreement, which lets me honest rarely ever happens.

I see it as my responsibility to be informed, to find the truth for myself. I always have been like that, ever since I began to question my catholic upbringing. Because it never felt right to me and I have learnt to always trust my gut instinct, that inner voice that is there to tell us what is right from wrong.

From day one I knew that all was not as it seems with this 'virus'.

But what has grown more apparent to be, is that this is creating a huge divide amongst us all. We are all going through this huge transition together, the last thing we need to do is start turning against one another.

Now more than ever, we need to accept that we will all have our different opinions, different beliefs and that we will all go our separate ways in our life and that is okay.

I have realized that what is important to me now, is that I am around like minded people, because we do not need to be stressing one another out, we are all under a lot of stress now, because so much uncertainty awaits us.

We need to find our community, a community that supports us and where everyone wants to move together in a peaceful way. Where we, are all in agreement about how we view our current situation and the ways in which we want to plan our future.

I continue to be really grateful for where I live, in that I am surrounded mostly by nature and that I am able to grow my own food. So grateful that I have space around me. But I now see that there are things that need to change, things that I want to do differently and that I want to do that with people who feel the same way as me.

We do not need to be making other people feel bad about the decisions we make right now, we just need to focus on where we are at and what we are doing as individuals and respect each others beliefs.

I am learning and growing all the time, but I will continue to always trust my gut instinct, the one thing that has led me to where I am now. I guess writing this is a part of me trying to justify my reasoning, but then part of me is like, why should I have to justify how I feel and what I believe.

These are crazy times, times when we may doubt ourselves, but remember that we are all just trying to find our way, so please be gentle with one another, as we move forth!

I have created a Patreon account so if anyone wishes to support me, please do, I will be sharing poetry and words of empowerment.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Very well said. The last thing we need is, yet, one more division among us.
As a silver lining, in this whole crazy situation, a lot of people will probably re-appreciate the value of a community.

Thank you and yes we need our communities now more than ever xx