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RE: Thank You all My Steemit friends that have followed our story while I fight Cancer

in #life6 years ago

I can totally understand how you feel. In fact you're responsible for setting that in stone within me. I've had several people tell me I was wrong to have my hysterectomy. After finding out the details of how bad off I really was, again is confirmed I had made the right decision. Which am healing very well, I just need to remind myself just because I feel better doesn't mean I am healed.

I am glad Canada finally adopted assisted suicide. I know you want to live your life on your terms. You don't want to be hooked up to machines and build up a pile of medical bills. That you don't want Lynn to see you deteriorate any more than she has.

I'm pretty sure you know about the post she did (last week) I think. It's been 4 mos since she did the post giving your permission to pass, but since then things have been better. I know you want to do right by her and for her to be as happy as possible. I know she loves the little things. That is what she talks about the most. There comes the time though it does become about you. Yes, I think you guys should discuss it, but you have to be sure of your choice.

Personally, I would prefer for you to fall asleep rather than have a seizure or be in immense pain. You've dealt with so much. It is ok to say, I'm tired. As much as we wish we could keep everyone with us for eternity, in away we do. There will be a hole that never will be filled, but there are memories, feelings, pictures that live on in each one of us.

I know you've been off mostly to conserve your energy and spend time with Lynn. She'll remember everything, but this last year is what is going to stay with her the longest. Just don't make the decision because you think it's what she wants. Knowing her she's give you an earful.

I just want you guys to be a peace no matter what you decide. <3 you both.


your words brought me to tears. Thank you for really understanding. Thank you for being a friend. hugs