Lucid Dreaming, 5 Levels of Power ~TnkPsychology

in #life7 years ago

     Have you ever experienced the amazing sensation of lucid dreaming? If you haven't I encourage you to try it out. There are ways to train your self to do it, which I will mention in this article. As always I will present my point through my own past experiences. This means we have to travel. Travel back to the time I was a small kid. We dream since we are kids and the first occurrence of lucid dream was forced upon to me from a young age.

     As I mentioned in another article, there were attempts of bullying towards me. I never really cared so they didn't have any effect in my awake life. However it seemed it had a slight effect because at not so often occasions I would dream about it. I would see these two bullies try to hurt me, thankfully my father would always come and save me. For a child's father is always looked upon as a superhero, so it was logical for me to find liberation to him. This however changed drastically one day. I saw that I was at a pool. It was amazing at first because I could breath underwater. It's one of my life dreams to be able to breath underwater so dreams like that are always welcome. After I got out of the pool, those two bullies came again. They started beating me and at some point my father came to my rescue. This time it was different. They started beating my father up. This changed everything. I have a strong moral for protection. So once I saw that, my conscious brain took over. I completely beat them in order to protect my father. This was my first level up.

Level 1: Never lose in battle.

     This was a warrior level up as anytime after that in my life, if there was a combat conflict I would always win. I couldn't lose in combat. I never fought in real life since I have mad negotiation skillz, but I would fight all the time in my dreams. It's a very liberating feeling, and it is great if you don't need anyone to come to your rescue. Didn't matter how many they were in numbers. I would however lose in other ways. Ambushes, traps, monsters and other things my mind thought of to make me lose.

Level 2: Waking up.

     Level 2 is the one most people manage to do. Level 1 happens automatically, while this one happens on request. There are a lot of signs to understand whether you are dreaming or not. Coming awake in your dreams is actually a matter of practice. You practice noticing different signs while you are awake so that your mind does it mechanically in your sleep, thus helping you understand that you are dreaming.

  • The Clock:

This one is the one I use. It is really simple and it's definitely noticeable even without having this knowledge. Even if we humans have great biological clocks that can help us wake up at exactly the time we want, in your dream your mind doesn't understand clocks. This means if you check the time it will show you a time. Then you check again. The time has now changed. This is a huge system error and such you immediately can understand that you are dreaming. So a good practice is to always check the time twice even when you are awake. As I said, this is the method I usually use since your brain can't explain it in dream terms.

  • The Hands:

On the other hand ( see what I did there?), we have this method. Unfortunately this is a hard one to achieve but once again, practice makes perfect. In your dreams if you happen to look at your hands they look weird. That is the only way I can describe it. I remember once looking at my hands and trying to figure out what poisoned me, since I knew not to drink from the cup. I thought I was poisoned due to the weirdness of my hands. So keep looking at them during the day and maybe you will realize it while you are dreaming.

  • Friction:

In your dreams, friction does not exist. Have you ever tried parking on a hill? You can't. Brakes don't work. I always have to enter conscious state, order the car to stay in one place, re-enter dream state and proceed as if nothing happened. (This is level 4, so hold on.) If you ever find your self unable to write or unable to stop something with friction, you can be sure you are dreaming. 

  • Electricity:

Electricity might exist in dreams but circuits don't. If you try turning on an engine, or turning on or off the lights, the switches don't work. This is because your brain won't handle the information of a switch's actions. This unfortunately will get explained to you by your brain so you might ignore it.

  • The Feel:

Dreams have a different feel to them. They just don't feel like real life. If you learn to distinguish these two feelings it gets easier to understand you are dreaming. This gets amplified by wrongly placed information in your dream. People that shouldn't be there, or repetition. I once figured out it was a dream because at every kiosk I would go, the people that were eating there were the same. Having people eat spaghetti at the kiosks, or having made so many kiosk stops didn't seem weird to me. But the fact that the people were the same caught up with me.

     There are more ways to figure it out. These however are the most common and easy ones. If you want to master lucid dreaming, learn to combine these. If you see the lights aren't working, also check your phone. If you can't write, look for something that shouldn't be there. You will slowly get the hung of it. It really is quite simple.

Level 3: Rewind.

     I actually haven't found many with this skill. I unlocked this skill and then it actually became passive. I was lucid dreaming one night but then my mind tried to kick me out of my dream. As I saw everything around me get sucked into the abyss I levitated and thought to my self that I really liked this dream. So then somehow I managed to rewind the whole thing right before I noticed this was a dream. So now I am there without knowing this is a dream and thus the dream proceeds. This then made me unkillable in dreams. I would always know what was going to happen since if I was about to lose I would passively rewind the whole thing. So no ambush or trap would ever harm me again. Unfortunately this pissed my brain off so whenever it wanted to give me a nightmare it would give me a psychological thriller, that would scar me for life without having me die.

Level 4: Me Ex Machina.

     This is a skill I developed in combination to all the others. When I am trying to do something I will gain consciousness for a few moments, finish what I am trying to do and return to the dream state again. Like the example with the car. Or once I was trying to write and since it is impossible I would wake up, make the pencil work, then go to the dream state without realizing it. I would understand everything in the morning after waking up. This made as a great tool in everything. I love this one and I don't know how to teach it since it just happens.

Level 5: Return.

     I have trained my self to instead of simply falling asleep, to actually enter immediately in a dream while keeping my consciousness. I usually do this when I don't like the end of a dream. Once a giant lobster creature was chasing me and some others. Everyone was counting on me but the lobster caught up to us and attacked me. That kicked me out of my dream. Instead of waking up, I forced my self back in my dream with my consciousness intact and grabbed the giant lobster right before it hit me and launched it far away. Then I led the people to safety and woke up. To achieve this you have to be able to understand the difference in feeling between the real world and the dream world. Then you force your self to feel that way while imagining the scene you want to enter. This way you can continue a dream, or even CHOOSE what dream to have. This is the most powerful level and then one I am on right now. If I reach further evolution I will keep you posted. 


     Thank you for reading and I hope you have exciting dreams tonight. As always, I am Tsinik and I would appreciate it if you checked all of my work. Goodnight! 






Great post! I stumbled upon an old Lucid Dreaming teaching article in Omni magazine years ago in a doctors office, but it involved watching Gumby and he kinda scares me. I have looked for a technique since, to no avail. I am so happy I found this article you just wrote!

Thank you :)

No prob. Lucid dreaming is a great hobbu as it can help you in real life by releasing stress. Hope you can do it!

Thank you for sharing this very interesting post!

vr will never be better than lucid for the simple reason of limitation. You will be limited to the program's coding. In a dream you can do just about anything!

Programing in the not too distant future will be able to be created by artificial intelligence. This will allow people to be able to experience anything they can imagine just by willing it to happen in VR. Artificial intelligence will then create it for you in VR. Eventully you will be able to do and feel anything in VR and not only that but you would be able to do it anytime and even anywhere not just at night time. You will also be able to do it with anyone in the world unlike in a dream.

You are getting ahead of yourself there buddy. My field of study in the uni was AI and we are still not as close as you think. Also creating vr games to stimulate all your senses is also a distant future :P

The code that will make up VR games or just future games in general will be malleable unlike code for games today. Like I said in the other comment AI will make this possible.

I have VR, but it still doesn't live up to a good lucid dream

"LuCiD LiViNg, DrEaMiNg AwAkE,
ArRiViNg DrEaMiNg To FuLlY
AwAke" (((3j)))

"A dream within a dream, from someone else's dream. The dream begins to fall and someone spoke it all. I can't seem to recall, when you became I....
Awakened" (((3j)))


Im guessing it's a song? :P

I just started studying LD and find your aticle enlightening. Im following​ you Keep posting

Thank you for writing this. I'd heard people talk about levels in lucid dreaming before, but I had never actually read anyone outlining and describing such levels. I haven't had a lucid dream since I was in my teens, but my dreams as a child all used to be lucid. I used to be able to turn it on nearly at will. The only "level" I could say I passed was where in my lucid dream I would inevitably come to a cliff and I could feel an overwhelming urge to jump off, but I was scared. Almost always I would summon the courage and jump off the edge. As I was falling I would feel a terrible condemnation of my action coming from the universe, almost as if I were receiving some kind of massive karmic backlash for ending my own life (even though it was only a dream) and I get the feeling I had offended against the universe. I would never feel it when I hit the ground, but would often see a giant skull and crossbones flash before my face, which was the "signal" from the dream that I had hit the earth.

Other times when I was into my late teens my courage failed. Once I dreamed a man came down from the stars and taught me and two other people to fly. We practiced at first by rising only 10-15 feet at a time. It was all based on emotion. If we felt free and confident and full of a sort of effervescent joy that we had to allow to bubble up in us, we would rise. But as soon as we had self-doubts or fear we'd become leaden, falling back to earth.

One time I flew across a desert landscape and eventually got to a city. I flew up outside some 30 storey apartment buildings and across a giant billboard advertising Disneyland. I ended up landing on the roof deck of the tallest building and spending some time with some people sitting at a card table there. Then, when it was time for me to fly away again, to my great shame I had lost my all my confidence, and when I went to the edge of the roof to step off I was too afraid of falling. In humiliation I ended up having to ride the elevator down. I was earthbound.

Would love to learn how to do this again. I fear that all of the chatter and bother and mess of my waking life will prevent me from having the sort of clarity mind necessary for lucid dreaming.

My friend, jumping off the cliff would have been amazing if you weren't scared. For me those falling dreams were amazing since I would always start flying before I hit the ground. It is a great thing that you managed to learn flying later :) You can practice checking everything, but to be able to be in a dream state you need to not be on drugs or alcohol since those two will cloud your brain and you won't realize you are dreaming.

On of the most amazing dreams I had was when I, in my dream was fighting with my then girlfriend. It stressed me out but then I realized: "Hey, I am dreaming" So I walked towards the balkony (about 5 stories high), climbed on the railing and jumped down to fly away.

Needless to say we broke up shortly after (in real life) and I regained my freedom haha

I hope after breaking up you didn't try jumping off the balcony again :P

Hehehe naa all good!! :D

I don't do drugs and I have about 2 alcoholic drinks a year. Unfortunately, I haven't flown since I was a kid. Back then lucid dreaming came easy, like breathing. I've got to get back to that. Thanks for all of your good information.

I did it once, about 4 months ago and I could not believe it, I was basically saying IN my dream ok its lucid dreaming time! Lets do this!!! and I clbimbed up a wall , it was incredible !! I could feel how solid the wall was and everything

if you manage to do it regularly start exploring. I once started looking at everyone's faces to see how they looked. It was weird hd modeling :P

thats awesome! ya know what else I did in that moment that was pretty cool!. I started to pull the wall out towards me, like it was stretchy like a mold and I could change the shape of it :D:D:D it was so weird

i actually never had this happen :P

Have you had premonitions in dreams? I was once lucid dreaming, and my friend was there in the dream. I told him, that we should try to psychically come and visit in each other's dreams. I focused all my psychic energy to manifest such a feat. Later, when I told my friend about this, he said he had had a dream that same night, where some mysterious force was trying sort of shake the borders of his dream and come in, lol he was probably just talking shit. That guy had many dream premonitions, also some lucid dreams. What do you think about the hypnagogic patterns and images between the changing of dream episodes or locations? I stopped doing it when I had some sleep paralysis-like experiences, but maybe I should try to get back in to it.

I want sleep paralysis. They tell me how horrible it is but my curiosity is greater. I don't mind being scared. I really want that to happen to me! For the premonitions part I never had any :/

Honestly no, you don't want it, it's so horrible.

I think the thing is that maybe curiosity is enough for one time, but once it's happened, I really doubt you'll want it to happen again!

most probably :P doesn't matter though!

et de l'eau, peut être évaluée

Long Petrik courageux pakistanais Imran Khan du Pakistan et le peuple pakistanais loyauté sincèrement sincère et nous avons échappé à la mise à jour Rao Nawaz Sharif avec l'agent Jindal au Panama ce corrompu traître politique Imran Khan est côte à côte avec vous et les nouvelles fait sauter l'armée pakistanaise et l'armée pakistanaise, son modèle ennemi innocent sanglant et envoyer Bebar contre Golbochan Aadif

Wow wow wow Behl avait votre maison et ils sont le père de Lugh K Ganji K chemin de sérieux père de fortune K ha votre temps inscrite dans la baie ba Association Casey Inscribed Ditty est Katri est Shezada pas bar Clara Zaria Yi b Btao de Joe Aenko cette richesse vous Inscribed inscrit amicale Assmann Na Benkei non non non ...

Interesting post and topics, two of my friends and myself have mastered lucid dreaming to an extent as well as meditation, when we started we would look at our hand palms every five seconds to create a habit to help us enter the rem world and do what we pleased or to practice being conscious in it. until we were able to step out of our bodies and explore this world.

Unlimited powers of the dream world :D