I'm in JLAB

in #life7 years ago

Since I'm in the Leadership for my Highschool JROTC(Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp), I participate in JLAB(Junior Leadership & Academic Bowl) We're we participate against other classes of JROTC. I'm not sure if there's any other reward besides going to Washington for a week but that in of itself is pretty sweet.

I was in JLAB in the Academic Bowl where its basically the SAT Math and Reading and such, this year is the Leadership bowl where we test our knowledge on Leadership. last year but we didn't pass Level 1. So no Washington, oh yea, so if we get to level 3 (not pass) we go to Washington, where we compete against every other brigades, which most of them come from the U.S but some of them are from different countries

It consists of 3 levels. Level 1 is competing against our state, this is where the number of contestants from each brigade is cut in half or so. From the U.S to Japan(going east not west). I actually don't know how many countries have the JROTC program, I know Germany has it. Come to think of it most of Western Europe probably has. JROTC has the possibility of finding potential candidates for the Military Academies to become officers in the military, so why not? Anwyas we've surpassed the first level. and now we're going to compete against our brigade those who passed the first level in our Brigade, or our section in the U.S(basically all of the Northwest in North America) Now come to think of it this is basically a tournament. If we win (Which I really hope we do) we're going to go to Washinton.

Since I usually need a photo here's one of the ceremonies we did for Veterans Day

So that's all.
