My Life : Living with a full blown Kundalini Awakening

in #life7 years ago



Kundalini is the latent femalee energy that is stored in the base of the spine. We mainly operate using one energetic print.. Typically it's the Animus, which is the Male energy. This is mainly our extroverted self, more related towards handling life circumstances and mechanical work, where the Kundalini energy is the female energy, related to our inner selves, the part that is hidden from the eyes of the many, it's true form is seen only by the person himself.

Disclaimer : I don't recommend trying to awaken the energy itself, it is nothing to be messed with, going at it with a bad approach may lead you towards a very painstakingly hard life.

Kundalini is to be awakened after intense spiritual discipline by a guru or a spiritual master or when a person is ready on a soul level.

In some cases like mine the kundalini energy decides to awaken by itself, it is said that this is a right of passage, transcending normal life perception as it is.

And I do agree, life could never be the same as I knew it back then.

Once the energy was released everything changed, my body started to change and my mind started to evolve beyond it's normal working capacity.

People refer to this as metamorphosis.

I've made some studies and the changes to the body are too much to note down in this article. If one is interested in them, just search in Google. There is a whole website devoted towards noting down every change in the molecular structures of the body.

One key note is thst our DNA becomes 12 stranded, rather than 6.

My life after the Awakening


I didn't have any guru to teach me, nor could i find anything in my country in relationships to the subject. So i had to fight against myself for 6 months in psychosis.

The working patterns of the Kundalini metamorphosis are really strange. It changes everything in your body, all your cells so they may absorb more light, hence having more energy. It works in patterns.
I've had some really strange days, really. Some days I could hardly move, others my emotions would go through the roof. There were days where I hallucinated, sleep paralysis, panic attacks and such.

Mainly because it re-wires the nervous system.

My perception towards people changed too, having the ability to see people in a different light.

Overall life changes, rapidly, at times it changes so fast it's hard to catch up.

The end result is reaching a state of equanimity, allowing one to live in the moment, happy and freely, yet the sacrifices one makes are unfathomable by the normal state of life.

It's impossible to describe this experience in words and that is why we know so little about it.

Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals.

The closest descriptions are only In mystical representation and are hard to be interpreted in the right way.

The only experience I can explain into normal modern day words is the starting one.
The massive energy coiled at the bottom of the spine blows up, travelling to the head and exploding, taking one individual to realms that one never knew existed.

After nearly a year now of struggles and challenges, finally my experience is starting to become more positive by the day, i started learning from everything that is presented, life started to flow more easily and happiness following alongside everything.

I don't hate the experience, I actually think im blessed, yet I wouldn't bestow this blessing onto the worst of enemies. Not that I have any.

The Positives and Benefits

Despite its extremes, the whole experience was and still is a great teacher to me. I've learned to love in a way I've never knew existed, unconditionally. My family is now more happy due to my understanding and peace of heart and mind, I value everything in life that brings me inner gifts, with lesser value on physical objects, also less attachment.

My dreams are the best thing ever, way better than any cinema I've ever seen. They have nearly real like clarity, also having feel and emotions.

When I go to bead I do it with an adventurous smile :)

A deeper understanding on how life works has taken off the everyday struggling, it's all a matter of waiting. I've learned to let go and let the world move me to my destinations.

The gifts that the phenomenon brings to one person have endless potential.

I truly believe that the future of mankind lies in Kundalini, yet we still aren't ready for it on a mass scale. It is the difference between
homo erectus and homo luminous.

What the future holds?


I'm constantly learning and evolving. My goal for now is to finish my free ebook called: Modern Spiritual Alchemy, in hopes of helping people be more free at heart.
As for the kundalini, at this point I'm enjoying the ride and expanding as I go.

this article is purely to explain an aspect of my life's journey.

I do NOT take responsibility for anyone that indulges in any practices with a relationship to Kundalini energy. They are deadly. Especially if one is stupid enough to believe methods written down on the Internet of something which is indescribable by words.

I have a couple of other articles about the subject, tracing my experience from start but sadly my Laptop got stolen and I can't finish them in a proper manner, thus i shall leave that for the future, hence this article covers the whole series in a few words :)

Be Free


I know there is a Kundalini branch of yoga practitioners, and it seems quite..weird! I will be interested in further reading.

It is wired. Although I try not to practice it, finding balance in different ways, because the k. Yoga is all about shifting the energy flow in your body.

If one does it improperly he might end up with even more wired repercussions honestly.

Thanks for having a read though, means a lot 🙏


Yoga has changed my life. Clearly my energy flows were badly in nee of shifting! 😂

I have practised some Kundalini-Yoga, mostly advanced pranayama and it was a wonderful experience.
But I had already practised yoga and meditation for some years before and also cleansing practices.
The problem of some Westerners is that they see Kundalini as something to get, so they overdo the practices sometimes without proper preparation and this, as you mentioned in your article can lead up to death.

What a fascinating and great sharing. My x wife also had and has a strong kundalini awakening and would sometimes be convilsing from the intensity of the energy.

Ur story is beautiful.. wishing u continued inner peace and Evolvement!

I had no idea Alex. She is truly blessed to have the opportunity. I've personally experienced the energy bursting and convulsing myself and it is quite shocking, the body paralyzes itself till the energy lowers.

Thanks for the wishes too.. I would like to return them to you and your wife. If you have any questions on the subject I can give some advice.


thank u! let's see what 'comes up!'

Excellent post!

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading about your experience.

Great to hear :) and thanks for leaving some feedback, it really makes me feel happy

I never sought this out...I've read about it in passing a few times, but the way you describe it it sounds very similar to an experience I had in university. I thought it was something else but who knows really, words couldn't explain it and I've never been the same, that's for sure.

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I too have had an awakening. Good to meet another!

yep had this , mine was a full blown spontaneous one

looks like we have something in common "I have followed you in Steemit, please be kind enough to follow me too.

This is my first post read since signing up. I searched for Kundalini and this was the first search result. I am just now coming out of a 2 1/2 year activation process of my own. Mine was spurred by Ayahuasca and greatly complicated after Kambo. It was truly anguishing and horrific on all levels. It ended up leading to intense chronic illness and my body barely functioning along with much of what you wrote about. Though, it was hell on earth, I am beyond grateful for the experience. I have learned so many invaluable lessons and have so much more joy, peace and gratitude. I cannot wait to experience the rest of this existence with my new perspective. I feel like I was given a new life - a second chance and it is a true blessing. I also plan on sharing my various lessons, insights and experiences over the last 2 1/2 years. May your journey continue to be one of growth and beauty. Blessings! <3