And Breathe! When your emotions try to get the better of you! | Vibrant Yogini

in #life6 years ago (edited)



"When life throws you lemons, drink a detoxing hot lemon drink!"

.... or something like that ;)

Hey guys!

So I have had a bit of a nightmare morning to be totally honest with you. I am pretty good at staying calm in a crisis and just focusing on problem solving rather than allowing emotions to get the better of me - apart from the occasional 'grrrr' to let off some steem lol (no pun intended there!).

Anyway, I have been having issues with my website

It looks all fine and dandy, but I am concerned with it's speed. Since I work hard trying to grow my traffic and brand online, speed is a big deal to me so that I can give my followers a great experience.

I have had a few guys on take a look at my website to see if they can help tidy up some coding, minimise images and generally do their thing to get it up to speed! (another poor Dad joke! - you have to try to find some fun in a crisis!)

Anyway, I always change my wordpress login password to something unique to pass over to the worker to complete their service.

Being an optimistic person, I do tend to get perhaps a bit too excited about getting tasks completed, and I am always so grateful, especially when it is something that I find difficult or impossible to do myself.


In a nut shell... or laptop shell?!...

To make a long 'boring-ish' story short for you, I was working on updating an old article on my website for SEO purposes, and suddenly my login screen appeared. I tried to log in but failed continuously...

So I messaged the guy who was working on my website, he advised he had changed some core coding to help make it faster. Trying to keep my cool, I tried logging in on my phone, and managed to gain access.

Some of you tech peeps will probably right away know what the issue was, but I googled possible causes and solutions. All found was that it could be a coding problem and that I would need to use some sort of FTP access thing through my hosting provider to resolve the problem.

'More time!!!' I thought...however, there is no point crying over spilled milk (British saying for all you non-Brits - most of you I guess? :D) .

So I contacted the lovely people at my hosting provider via the instant chat. They are so used to me, in fact I chat to them quite regularly and I feel safe they are always there for support and to hold my hand so I don't break my website!

Luckily the lovely man at the hosting provider told me it was most likely a caching issue and to clear my cache on my laptop. I felt rather silly - why didn't I think of doing that?!

Anyway, I regained access...

This time I changed my password and cancelled the gig with because he had basically told me he couldn't do anymore to it, so we mutually agreed to cancel.


Onwards and upwards

I was happily putting it all behind me, and cracking on with my work.

Then 15 minutes later, I was kicked off again!

This time a big white screen with the pretty harsh words of "Forbidden 404 Error" appeared.

Oh dear :(

So I went back to my hosting provider...

Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at 11.08.09.png

They are still trying to figure things out. apparently its a security issue because I had tried to login too many times before.

So now I am just waiting... and I thought the best way to get all the possible negative emotions that are trying to appear inside me, is to brain dump on Steemit and try to lower the weight of this issue...




All I want is to run a fast website and provide great content for my followers...

I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I think it is time to take a walk outside, get some fresh air, listen to some calming music and hope for the best.

Has anyone else ever had this problem before?


Let's create a silver lining!

On a positive note, if anyone has any funny memes for this situation, please share!

All I need is some cuddles and a laughs right now. The cuddles you can't do, but the laugh's you can :D Share the good vibes please guys!!!!


Wishing you a beautiful day full of happiness and good vibes,



P.S. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." ~ Audrey Hepburn

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