E-Communication & Cars VS real F2F Communication & Public TransportationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

Ever caught yourself in the thought that nowadays we are becoming more and more immobile and more into socializing using different platforms rather than f2f communication and talks?

We prefer to call, text or twit to friends and relatives, rather than meeting up in reality for a lunch break or a friendly visit.

I remember the days back in 90's when we were going through a difficult decade, and had no electricity; mobile phones or whatsoever. We used to get together to have a good talk and play a domino!

Being a student, you had to go to the library to take some books and study.

A few days ago we visited our National Academy Library, to enroll and have the opportunity to work and read in a calm atmosphere.

Were very much disappointed: only 1-2 students were sitting with their laptops and working. The rest (around 3-4 people) were just teachers, mentors, professors over 60 years old, with some old books in hands.

In the past,t I used to attend that library, and it was full of students, with whom you could share your thought, get some new ideas for your next essay.
And now with all the internet opportunities, all you have to do, is open your laptop and search.

Or car owners, who become so addictive that sometimes driving to the nearby store, which is one block away to buy some cigarettes or bread. When you own a car, you sometimes forget, how it feels just to have a walk.

I caught myself on that thought recently and decided to use my car for some time. Instead, walk or use public transportation.

Yesterday used the subway for the first time over the last ten years! We saw the same picture as in the library: very few people, mostly over 50.



People are getting lazy. But that's in our human nature: when you get used to the particular​ comfort zone, it will be challenging to take you out from there.

Do some effort, even only​ once per a while. I assure you you will see everything on a different​ angle and start appreciating certain things around.