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RE: The Differences Between Acquaintances and Friends

in #life6 years ago (edited)

There is a Aesop's fable where there are two men, one who always tells the truth and another who always tells the lie, one day a king calls the two to ask something, the first is honest and disagrees with the king, the second is false and says only what the king wants to hear. The king rewarded the false and kills the honest, without knowing it, the king was surrounding himself with pure enemies with friend's masks.

I believe that, in the same way, we are the ones who surround ourselves with false friends when we don't tolerate the differences of other people, or when we don't allow others to disagree with us, because then we surround ourselves with people who pretend to be always in agreement and we will scare away honest people who can truly care about us.

So I think that the way to surround yourself with true friends is by being honest, and allowing others to be honest with us.


Wise words indeed. My post was mostly directed towards the layman, but I'd say the bourgeoisie is more at risk for not choosing their company carefully as they have much more to lose. I believe Machiavelli wrote briefly about the dangerous "yes man" in The Prince.