RE: Choosing the Child-free Life: Is it still that controversial?
Thanks for your open sharing :) I don't have kids yet but I'm also not rushing myself with the decision of when, how many or zero...and I definitely don't want to make this decision under the age or social pressure. I enjoy my life travelling all over the world and being in love with myself and my partner as well as my job, friends and life in general. If at some point I'll feel like I want to help another soul to grow and step in this world with my help, I'd totally do it. Just not feeling it right now and that's all right :) I like that you keep researching and trying to find the answer to yourself. But I think those kinds of decisions do not happen on purely logical, financial etc levels but are mostly intuitive-driven. Looking forward to hearing your next thoughts and arguments
Awesome thoughts you just shared. Lovely to hear the thinking process of someone on a journey I'd like to be on soon.
"But I think those kinds of decisions do not happen on purely logical, financial etc levels but are mostly intuitive-driven."
Difficult for me to hear, but probably true. My partner and I both think towards this direction more. It helps us grow, but yes when it comes to deciding such a momentous thing like having a child it will be purely from the heart, using intuition of course :) it's funny how most younger people think with their heart and how older people tend to feel with their mind. There are exceptions, this is just a loose observation I've made.
Thank you for sharing. Definitely giving your page a follow :)